Designing a web-based learning environment and its effect on students' academic success and their attitudes
The aim of this study is to determine the effects of web based learning environments on students' academic success and their attitudes towards computer based learning. The population of the study is composed of 75 students from two different classes who are studying at Ahi Evran University Vocational School Department of Business Administration and taking the Computer Office Programs course in 2010-2011 Academic Year Spring Term. The pretest-posttest research design with control group was utilized in the study. The data was collected by means of the Academic Success Test developed by the researcher and of the Computer Attitude Scale developed by Uzunboylu. According to the result obtained from the statistical analyses carried on the data collected, web based teaching contributes more to the students' learning levels of "Ms Word" within the computer course with compared to the traditional teaching methods. © Sila Science.