Comparing reading comprehension level and oral reading speed of 5 th class students who had first reading writing through different methods [Farkli Yöntemlerle Okuma-yazma Öğrenmiş Beşinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Okuduğunu Anlama Erişimleriyle Okuma Hızlarının Karşılaştırılması
In this study comparison of the reading comprehension levels and oral reading speed has been made for primary school 5 th class students, who had first reading writing skills through sentence analysis and sound based sentence method. One of the empirical methods; "Controlled final-test model"; has been used in this study. The students who got their pre reading writing skills through "sentence analysis method" has formed the control group and the others through "sound based sentence methods" has formed the experiment group. The data has been obtained by two different measuring tools related reading comprehension. Points referred to experiment and control groups have been compared at.05 significance level using independent t-test. At the end of the study no significant difference has been found between the levels of reading comprehension and aloud reading speed of the students in experiment group and in control group.