Examination of the professional self-esteem of teacher candidates studying at a faculty of education
This study aims to determine the professional self-esteem levels of teacher candidates studying at the Faculty of Education, Ahi Evran University, Ki{dotless}rşehir, Turkey, to examine whether certain variables create any differences in their professional self-esteem levels and to propose suggestions in accordance with the results. The study was conducted among firstand fourth-year students. Data about the participants was collected through the use of a general information form, and their self-esteem levels were evaluated through the Scale for Professional Self-Esteem developed by Ari{dotless}cak. The results reveal that gender, grade level, credit given to the importance of teaching as a profession, the ranking of choosing teaching as a profession at university and participating in professional activities in teaching do not cause any differences in teacher candidates' self-esteem levels, yet the activities of lecturers with regard to the reputation of teaching cause differences in their self-esteem levels.