Karyology of three bat species of the genus myotis (m. myotis, m. bechsteinii, m. brandtii) (chiroptera: vespertilionidae) from Turkey
The karyotypes of three vespertilionid bat species from Turkey were examined. The karyotypes of these species were found as 2n=44, NF=54 and NFa=50 for Myotis myotis; 2n=42, NF=50, and NFa=46 for Myotis bechsteinii; 2n=44, NF=54, and NFa=50 for Myotis brand-tii. The M. brandtii karyotype of was studied for the first time for Turkey. Further details on the karyotype of M. bechsteinii, which had been described previously, are given. © 2007 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.