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An empirical investigation of mathematics learning approaches and metacognitive awareness of students
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2021)The goal of this study is to examine the mathematics learning approaches and metacognitive awareness of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students with regard to some variables. This is a quantitative study conducted in a survey ... -
Threshold impact of corruption on income inequality- social transfers nexus in Central and Eastern Europe
(Unıv Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2022)Corruption, which adversely affects macroeconomic aspects such as growth, investment, and income distribution, causes the anticipated accomplishment from social transfers not to be realized. In this study, the income ... -
Long-run effects of human development and public governance on economic welfare: New evidence from transition economies
(University of Rijeka, 2022)The study attempts to gauge the impact of human development and public governance quality on economic welfare in the long term. The basic proposal of the analysis is that economic growth and/or development cannot be the ... -
Research trends in mobile learning
(Athabasca University, 2020)A total of 1023 selected articles published in 2016-2019 related to mobile learning were examined and classified according to the categories in this research: 40% of these articles used quantitative approaches, 18% of them ... -
Nonlinear effects of income inequality on economic growth: A comparative analysis of selected countries
(Unıv Islam Indonesıa, 2022)Purpose - The paper queries the impacts of income inequality on economic growth in selected advanced and emerging market economies by adopting nonlinearity and endogeneity.Methods - This research analysis is based on a ... -
Fuzzy AHP Approach to Prioritizing the Critical Success Factors of Organizational Culture
(ARDABIL INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT INST, 2018)The world that we live in where the social and organizational life rapid social and cultural transformations are experienced, and the intensities of change and competition are intensely perceived has a dynamism. In this ... -
Muhasebecilik mesleğinde mesleki stres kaynakları ve uygulanan bireysel stratejiler üzerine bir araştırma
(2008)Teknolojik gelişmeler, insan hayatını kolaylaştırmaya başladığı gibi bazı sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Hayatın maddi boyutlu yaşandığı manevi boyutunun göz ardı edildiği günümüzde "stres" kendini iyice hissettirmeye ...