An investigation of the opinions of primary school teachers' on preschool education and the transition process from preschool to primary school [Si{dotless}ni{dotless}f ögretmenlerinin okul öncesi egitim ve İlkögretime geçiş süreci hakki{dotless}ndaki görüşlerinin İncelenmesi]
The aim of this study was to investigate primary school teachers' opinions regarding the importance and functions of preschool education, the transition process from preschool education to primary education, and children's problems related to school transition processes. First, teachers were asked to complete the Primary School Teachers' Views about Early Childhood Education Scale (N=200). In addition, 15 primary school teachers were interviewed. The results showed that there was a significant mean difference in teachers' opinions in terms of age and the department that they graduated from whereas there was not a significant mean difference regarding gender. The interview findings revealed that primary school teachers supported the efforts to expand early childhood education. They mentioned the importance of early childhood education on children's development. In addition, primary school teachers' expectations and comments related to early childhood education and applications were presented.