Microstonyx (Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the Upper Miocene of Hayranli-Haliminhani, Turkey
The suid remains from localities 58-HAY-2 and 58-HAY-19 in the Late Miocene Derindere Member of the Incesu Formation in the Hayranli-Haliminhani area (Sivas, Turkey) are described and referred to as Microstonyx major (Gervais, 1848-1852). Microstonyx shows changes in incisor morphology, which are interpreted as a further adaptation to rooting. This occurred probably in a short period between 8.7 and 8.121 Ma ago and possibly is a reaction to environmental change. The incisor morphology in locality 58-HAY-2 suggests that it is temporally close to this change, which would imply that this locality and the lithostratigraphically lower 58-HAY-19 belong to the lower part of MN11 and not to MN12. The findings are discussed in the regional context and contribute to the knowledge of the Anatolian fossil mammals.