Phylogenetic placement of Neorhamphoria garethjonesii gen. et sp nov (Tubeufiales, genus incertae sedis)
Neorhamphoria garethjonesii is introduced for a new genus and species with apothecial ascomata growing on dead wood of Cotoneaster nummularius (Rosaceae) in terrestrial habitats. Neorhamphoria is characterized by its dark apothecial ascomata, broad cellular pseudoparaphyses, with bitunicate, broad-clavate asci, and hyaline, muriform ascospores. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, SSU and TEF1 alpha sequence data indicate that Neorhamphoria belongs in Dothideomycetes and is related to Tubeufiales. Morphologically, Neorhamphoria differs from all genera of Tubeufiales and thus we treat it as a new genus in Tubeufiales, genus incertae sedis.
- Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [2524]
- WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [3176]
- Yayın Koleksiyonu [173]