Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling for urban flood risk assessment using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery: A case study of Kirsehir, Turkey
This study is an assessment of flash flood risk in the downstream part of an intermittent stream which lost its natural bed due to intense human interventions, with the example of Hastane Brook in the province of Kirsehir (Turkey). The effects of flooding events with high, medium, and low probability of occurrence are investigated on a street-by-street basis with a two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model constructed in HEC-RAS 5.0 software. Due to the lack of records of past flood events required for model calibration, it is aimed to utilise high-quality data as much as possible in model development. Therefore, to more accurately simulate the movement of water and thereby to advise adequate measures for reducing the most likely flood effects, the required high-resolution terrain and land use data are produced by processing the aerial images acquired by the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights over the flood risk zone. The estimation of flood hydrographs is only based on the synthetic unit hydrograph methods due to the absence of representative stream gauging stations inside or near the region. The resultant flood hazard maps are cautionary in terms of demonstrating the effects of possible floods that are unexpected to come from such an intermittent stream basin.