Exercise reminder software for office workers
Computers are widely used instruments in workplaces. Despite the low level of physical load, computer usage requires repetitive motions and staying in same position for a long time. That's why great number of computer users may contract musculoskeletal disorders. Frequent rests can prevent musculoskeletal discomfort, but OW generally do not break their work until discomfort occurs. The rest breaks can be reminded by computer software. The purpose of this study was to develop exercise reminder software (ERS) for OW in Turkish Language. An exercise protocol was designed to prevent most common MSDs among OW. The software was designed under C# with video play, exercise description and exercise log properties and the source code is open for scientific purpose. The software is compatible with Windows XP and Vista. The developed software is the first known ERS in Turkish Language. Future studies may focus on integration of distance patient follow up systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.