Quadrantwise Comparison of Lens-Iris Distance in Patients With Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome and Age-matched Controls
Purpose: To perform a quadrantwise comparison of the minimum distance between the posterior iris and the anterior lens in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXS) and age-matched controls. Patients and Methods: This study was designed as a prospective cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of 60 patients with PXS and 50 age-matched controls. Anterior segment Scheimpflug images of segments 90 to 270, 135 to 315, 180 to 360, and 225 to 45 degrees were exported as high-quality JPEG images (1920 pixels wide, 1048 pixels high; each pixel having a physical dimension of 8.064 x 8.064 mu m) for further evaluation. The images were analyzed by Image J software. Minimum lens-iris distance (MLID) of the superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal quadrants were analyzed and compared between the groups. Anterior chamber depth, anterior chamber angle, pupillary diameter, average of K1 and K2 (Km), and cataract grading system by Scheimpflug imaging [Oculus Pentacam Nucleus Grading System (PNS)] were also assessed. Results: The MLIDs of all quadrants in eyes with PXS were shorter than controls and these differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The shortest distance was recorded in the inferior quadrant followed by the superior, temporal, and nasal quadrants in both groups. Pupillary diameter was the only variable found to be correlated with mean global MLID at a statistically significant level (r = -0.465, P < 0.001; adjusted for age, sex, anterior chamber angle, anterior chamber depth, PNS, and Km). Conclusion: Eyes with PXS manifested with shorter mean MLID than controls.