A retrospective analysis of Mathieu and TIP urethroplasty techniques for distal hypospadias repair; a 20 year experience
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify the changes in the application rate of two surgical techniques in distal hypospadias repair in years and compare the most popular two surgical repair techniques for distal hypospadias in terms of surgical outcomes, the factors that affect the outcomes, which were performed over a 20 year period. METHODS: In this study, the records of 492 consecutive patients that had undergone an operation for distal hypospadias in the urology clinic of Ankara between May 1990 and December 2010 using either Mathieu or TIPU surgical techniques were reviewed retrospectively. The patients who had glanular, coronal, and subcoronal meatus, were accepted as distal hypospadias cases. Among the 492 examined medical records, it was revealed that 331 and 161 surgical interventions were performed by using the Mathieu urethroplasty technique (Group-1) and TIP urethroplasty technique (Group-2), respectively. Group-1 was divided into two subgroups; namely Group-1 a (patients with primary hypospadias) and Group-lb (patients with previous hypospadias operation). Likewise, Group-2 was divided into two subgroups; namely group-2a and group-2b. The patients' ages, number of previously urethroplasty operations, localization of the external urethral meatus prior to the operation, chordee state, length of the newly formed urethra, whether urinary diversion was done or not, post-operative complications and data regarding the follow-up period were evaluated, and the effects of these variables on the surgical outcome were investigated via statistical analyses. The primary objective of this study is to identify the changes in the application rate of two surgical techniques in distal hypospadias repair over the a 20 year period, and the secondary objectives are to compare the most popular two surgical repair techniques for distal hypospadias in terms of surgical outcomes, and the factors affecting the outcomes. Independent samples t test and Pearson's Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis. p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between the subgroups in terms of age, length of the neo-urethra, number of previously performed urethroplasty operations, surgical success rates, or complications (p>0.05j. The concurrent utilization of the cystostomy and urethral stent was significantly more frequent in group-1 (p<0.05; Pearson's Chi-square test). It was determined that over time, TIP urethroplasty has become a more preferred technique for the repair of distal hypospadias. CONCLUSIONS: Both surgical techniques have similar success rates in distal hypospadias cases. TIP urethroplasty has become the method of choice over time.