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Importance of Melatonin on Poultry
(KAHRAMANMARAS SUTCU IMAM UNIV REKTORLUGU, 2018)Intensive production practices, faulty maintenance and feeding, unsuitable keeping conditions, antinutritional factors in feeds and similar abnormalities lead to irregularities in both hormone and enzyme systems in poultry. ... -
Toxoplasma gondii, mental health and shizophrenia [Toxoplasma gondii, ruh sagli{dotless}gi{dotless} ve şizofreni]
(2013)Protecting and promoting of mental health is one of the major application areas of public health. In particular, Toxoplasma gondii, which is a protozoal zoonosis common in Turkey, it is closely related to veterinary public ... -
Factors Affecting the Aerobic Stability of Silage and Improvement Strategies
(KASTAMONU UNIV, ORMAN FAK, 2016)Aerobic stability (silage life), and from the pop-up remains intact as a silage warming is defined as the length of time. Although oxygen input into silage is insignificant at fermentation stage or during fermentation this ...