Recurrent complicated urinary tract infection due to rare pathogen Sphingomonas paucimobilis: Contamination or real deal?
Sphingomonas paucimobilis is an aerobic, oxidase-positive, yellow-pigmented, non-fermentative, Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen that rarely causes infections in humans. It is commonly found in nosocomial environments and, despite its low clinical virulence, it can be reponsible for several different infections especially among patients with underlying disease. Here we describe a clinical case of a 46-year-old male paraplegic patient with a history of neurogenic bladder due to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and renal failure who was admitted to the urology clinic of a university hospital in Kirsehir, Turkey, with the complaintsof urinary tract infection (UTI) including fever, chills, dysuria, abdominal and back pain. The urine culture was positive for Sphingomonas paucimobilis identified by the Vitek-2 system and the patient was successfully treated with oral co-trimoxazole 800/160 mg twice a day for ten days associated to cefixime and fosfomycin. A lierature review of UTIs associated to Sphingomonas paucimobilis is reported as well. © 2016, EDIMES Edizioni Medico Scientifiche. All rights reserved.