Bıplot Analysıs Of Leaf Rust Resıstance In Pure Lınes Selected From Eastern Anatolıan Bread Wheat Landraces Of Turkey
The present research was conducted to determine the reactions of 42 pure lines selected from bread wheat landraces of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, against the leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) disease under field conditions across 7 environments. G (Genotype), GE (Genotype Environment) biplot analysis method was used to determine the reactions of landraces against leaf rust disease. GGE-biplot graph created to assess leaf rust disease was explained a 78.12% of total variation. While E3 and E2 constituted the first and second mega environments respectively, the other four environments constituted the third and fourth mega environments. The lowest PC1 values and PC2 values close to 0.0 explaining the resistance of pure lines to leaf rust at best in the biplot. Reactions of landraces varied based on their distance from the Average Environment Axis (AEA). While the pure lines with the same or similar reactions in 7 experimental environments fell close to the axis, ones with different reactions in one or more environments were relatively distant. The pure lines of EA15 and EA19 were identified as the most resistant and stable genotypes in all environments when EA42 and EA41 were the most susceptible/stable genotypes in all environments. Pure lines that were resistant or moderately resistant at all seven tested environments should be useful for breeding wheat cultivars with resistance to leaf rust in Turkey.