Role Of Dry Bean Landrace Women Producers On Conservatıon Of Plant Genetıc Resource In Mıddle Kızılırmak Valley Regıon Of Turkey
Turkey is one of the few countries with favorable climatic and environmental conditions that keep the rich biodiversity and biodiversity. The most important problem encountered together with progress in agriculture is genetic erosion. For this reason, many countries are developing policies for the prevention of genetic erosion and work for the conservation of genetic resources and sustainability of their production through these policies. Within these policies, women constitute one of the important target groups. The role of women in the protection of genetic resources and the access of many local populations to the present day is indisputable. This study was conducted to evaluate role of women in Turkey through the enterprises that grow dry bean landraces in terms of the conservation of genetic resources, and production and ensuring the sustainability of landraces. For this purpose, the data obtained from the questionnaire survey conducted with 140 enterprises that are growing the Dry Bean Landraces (DBL) on 8 provinces located in Middle Kizihrmak Valley and the roles of women in these enterprises are presented. As a result, it has been determined that in the production of dry beans, where human labor is heavily used, women are particularly effective in harvesting and selecting / cleaning seeds. Reasons such as flavor, taste, cooking time being in the first place in preferring DBL production is accepted as an indication of how effective women are in the sustainability of DBL. Agricultural extension activities to women in agriculture is necessary to providing conservation of genetic resources.