Some Environmental Factors Effect on Milk Yield Estimated with Different Methods in Anatolian Buffaloes
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of some environmental factors on milk yield levels that were estimated with different methods in Anatolian Buffaloes raised in Tokat Province in Turkey. The effects of region, calving age and calving season were analysed in terms of measurable environmental factors. The data was statistically analyzed by means of the least square method for the determination of the effects of environmental factors and by DUNCAN multiple range test. In this study lactation milk yield estimated by Holland, Sweden, Vogel, Trapezoid I and Trapezoid II methods were 734.0 +/- 16.0 kg, 735.4 +/- 16.0 kg, 761.4 +/- 16.4 kg, 657.7 +/- 13.7 kg and 654.7 +/- 13.5 kg, respectively. Also, lactation length and daily milk yield were determined 146.55 +/- 1.79 days, 5.21 +/- 0.096 kg, respectively. The effects of regions, calving age and calving season on lactation milk yields and lactation length were found as statistically significant (P<0.01).
- Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [2535]
- WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [3186]
- Yayın Koleksiyonu [111]