Güncel Gönderiler: PubMed İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 286, listelenen: 241-260
Towards sustainable development in China: do political rights and civil liberties matter for environmental quality?
(Springer, 2020)China is a rising power of the twenty-first century with its brilliant economic performance as a result of the transition to the free market economy model. However, China’s economic development process has caused high ... -
Reliability of RUST and Modified RUST Scores for the Evaluation of Union in Humeral Shaft Fractures Treated with Different Techniques
(Springer, 2020)Background: The study aimed to evaluate the agreement between the radiographic union scale (RUST) and modified RUST (mRUST) in humeral shaft fractures treated with different techniques, and the effect of surgeons’ experience ... -
Cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: A review of the published literature
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2020)COVID-19 is a highly contagious respiratory tract infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. COVID-19 outbreak, which caused thousands of deaths, has been declared a pandemic by the World Health ... -
Superficial thrombophlebitis in a patient with COVID 19: Heparin treatment after evaluation of D—Dimer
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2020)To The Editor,Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)is a respiratory tract disease cau-sed by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2),which first appeared on December 1, 2019 in Wuhan, China. The pan-demic ... -
Teledermatology during COVID-19 pandemic: Ethical and legal considerations about the principles of treatment prescription and privacy
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2020)Dear Editor,Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a highly contagious respiratoryinfection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 (SARS-Cov-2), which was first reported on December 1, 2019, fromWuhan, China.1The ... -
Prognostic value of thiol/disulfide homeostasis in symptomatic patients with heart failure
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021)We aimed to examine the role of thiol/disulphide homeostasis (TDH) in heart failure and its stages and the prognosis of heart failure. A total of 140 subjects were included in the study. Total and native thiol levels were ... -
Utility of dermatoscopy in the diagnosis of Habit-Tic Nail Deformity
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2021)To the Editor,The habit-tic deformity, also known as “washboard nails,” is a type of nail dystrophy caused by repetitive microtraumas to the nail matrix. The disorder is classified under the spectrum of nail tic ... -
Short-term changes in ganglion cell complex in patients with COVID-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine
(Consel Brasıl Oftalmologıa, 2021)Dear Editor, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly pathogenic human coronavirus that can cause serious life-threatening respiratory disease and multiorgan failure(1). Despite the swift ... -
Mixed Hemangioma Concurrence with Giant Concha Bullosa Arising from the Middle Concha
(Coll Physıcıans & Surgeons Pakistan, 2021)A 71-year woman presented with persistent epistaxis for two years without a history of nasal trauma or surgery. On physical examination, a red-purple mass obstructing the entrance of the right nasal passage was observed. ... -
Clinical outcomes and independent risk factors for 90-day mortality in critically ill patients with respiratory failure infected with sars-cov-2: A multicenter study in turkish intensive care units
(Galenos Publishing House, 2021)Background: There are limited data on the long-term outcomes of COVID-19 from different parts of the world. Aims: To determine risk factors of 90-day mortality in critically ill patients in Turkish intensive care units ... -
Growth and slaughter characteristics of weaning male kids of turkish native goat breeds
(MDPI, 2021)There is little knowledge about the carcass potential of Turkish native goat breeds raised under different rearing conditions. It is necessary to compare the carcass characteristics of these breeds to minimize the effect ... -
Evaluation of stillbirths and infant mortality before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective study
(Taylor & Francıs Ltd., 2022)Objective The maternal-child health services remain an important indicator to look at how different countries have handled the pandemic. This study aims to investigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and ... -
Is scoliosis related to mastication muscle asymmetry and temporomandibular disorders? A cross-sectional study
(Elsevier, 2022)Objective: Patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) may face motor control problems and health disability barriers during mandibular movements and chewing. However, studies investigating the extent of these ... -
Normative data assessment of age-related changes in macular and optic nerve head vessel density using optical coherence tomography angiography
(Elsevier, 2022)Objective: To investigate macular and optic nerve head vessel density in healthy individuals using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), and determine their relationship with age.& nbsp;Method: This retrospective ... -
The Efficacy of Gabapentin plus Dexamethasone for Postoperative Analgesia Following Septoplasty: A Prospective Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial
(Sage Publıcatıons Inc, 2022)Aims: This study aimed to compare the efficacy of gabapentin, dexamethasone, and gabapentin + dexamethasone for pain control after septoplasty. Materials and Methods: This prospective randomized trial included 120 patients ... -
First report and genotyping of Dientamoeba fragilis in pet budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), with zoonotic importance
(Wiley, 2022)The protozoan Dientamoeba fragilis is one of the most common parasites in the diges-tive system of humans worldwide. The host range and transmission routes of D. fragi-lis, including the role of animals, are still ambiguous ... -
Soil salinity assessment of a natural pasture using remote sensing techniques in central Anatolia, Turkey
(Public Library of Science, 2022)Soil salinity is a major land degradation process reducing biological productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. Therefore, its effective monitoring and management is inevitable. Recent developments in remote sensing ... -
Association of PDYN 68-bp VNTR polymorphism with sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone treatment and with opioid or alcohol use disorder: Effect on craving, depression, anxiety and age onset of first use
(Elsevier, 2022)In this case-control study (423 Turkish subjects), the functional pro-dynorphin (PDYN) 68-bp VNTR polymorphism was genotyped in opioid users receiving sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone treatment (SBNT; n = 129, 119 males ... -
Seasonal and spatial variations of ecological risk from potential toxic elements in the southern littoral zone of İzmir Inner Gulf, Turkey
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)This study aims to investigate the ecological risk level of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in İzmir Inner Gulf. Samples were taken from 16 stations selected in the southern littoral zone of the gulf for four seasons ... -
Is there a trade-off between financing current account deficits and environmental deterioration in developing countries? An empirical investigation for the validity of the pollution haven hypothesis
(Sprınger Heıdelberg, 2022)The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on environmental quality has been discussed in the environmental economics literature over the last decades. Within this scope, the pollution haven hypothesis (PHH) postulates ...