Psikososyal Stres Faktorleriyle Tetiklenen Erken Baslangicli Konversiyon Bozuklugu Olarak Astazi-Abazi Olgusu 2

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Güler Aksu, GülenKayar, Ozan
Tan, Muhammet Emin
Kütük, Meryem Özlem
Bozlu, Gülçin
Toros, Fevziye
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Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Güler Aksu, G., Kayar, O., Tan, M. E., Kütük, M. Ö., Bozlu, G., & Toros, F. (2022). Psikososyal Stres Faktörleriyle Tetiklenen Erken Başlangıçlı Konversiyon Bozukluğu Olarak Astazi-Abazi Olgusu. Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 33(1).Özet
Conversion disorder is defined as the loss or change of motor, sensory, and autonomic nervous system-related functions that cannot be explained completely with organic causes. The etiology of the disease may be explained by psychoanalytic theory, learning theory, sociocultural factors, and some traumatic life events besides genetic and neurobiological factors. The onset is usually between late childhood and early adulthood. The disorder occurs after a high rate of psychosocial stressors and the symptoms can vary. While astasia, as one of the possible complaints in conversion disorder, is defined as not being able to stand due to loss of motor power or sensory loss; abasia is identified as patients having no apparent motor problem but not being able to walk properly. Both conditions can be of organic as well as the psychogenic origin. In this paper, the clinical signs of a seven-year-old boy who was admitted to emergency service of Mersin University Faculty of Medicine with the complaints of astasia and abasia but was found to have conversion disorder is presented. The results of the medical examinations and the possible psychosocial stress factors behind these symptoms, as well as the treatment process of the case, were shared. With this report, we is aimed to draw attention to the importance of early diagnosis of the disorder, the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach in the treatment process, and the handling of psychosocial factors leading to somatic symptoms.
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