Comparison of Alternative Sowing Methods in Hungarian Vetch and Triticale Cultivation in Terms of Yield and Weed Biomass
Kir, H., Yilar, M. & Yavuz, T. Comparison of Alternative Sowing Methods in Hungarian Vetch and Triticale Cultivation in Terms of Yield and Weed Biomass. Gesunde Pflanzen (2022).Özet
This study aimed to compare alternative sowing methods i.e., sole, mix and intercrops sown in alternative and perpendicular rows on the productivity of Hungarian vetch-triticale farming. Similarly, the effects of these sowing methods were also inferred on weed infestation. This study was conducted during the vegetation periods of 2018-19 and 2019-20 in terrestrial climate conditions. Sowing in perpendicular rows proved more effective in suppressing weed infestation than alternative rows and increased yield by reducing weed biomass. Sowing Hungarian vetch in mixed and perpendicular rows observed the highest weed infestation and biomass along with low green herbage and dry matter yield. However, Hungarian vetch-triticale mixture (50-50%) sowed in perpendicular rows made the best use of available land, resulted in the lowest weed infestation and biomass and recorded the highest green herbage and dry matter yield. In conclusion, the sowing Hungarian vetch-triticale mixture (50-50%) in perpendicular rows was the most suitable sowing method for improving productivity and suppressing weed infestation in Hungarian vetch-triticale intercropping.