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dc.contributor.authorÇalışkan, Hacı Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorJaradat, Ömer
dc.contributor.authorYetiş, Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorUnveren, Zafer
dc.contributor.authorÇelik, Burak
dc.contributor.authorSönmez, Serdar Süha
dc.identifier.citationÇalışkan, H. M., Jaradat, Ö., Yetiş, M., Ünveren, Z., Celik, B., & SÖNMEZ, S. S. (2021). Asymmetrical Bilateral Traumatic Hip Dislocation with Segmental Femur Fracture. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, 12(4), 117-120.en_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Hip dislocations are extremely rare, but they are orthopedic emergencies that need to be immediately intervened. Traumatic hip dislocations are usually unilateral and occur toward the posterior region. Bilateral traumatic hip dislocations, on the other hand, are rarer. Asymmetric occurrence of bilateral traumatic hip dislocations is even rarer. The possibility of spontaneous hip dislocation in a healthy person is very unlikely. This is because ligaments wrapping the hip joint make it quite stable. Thus, hip dislocation usually occurs due to a high-energy trauma. Case Report: In this paper we report a unique female patient with asymmetric bilateral traumatic hip dislocation accompanied by a segmental fracture of the femur due to a traffic accident. The patient's right hip was reduced under sedoanalgesia at the emergency department and the left hip was reduced under anesthesia at operating room. Avascular necrosis did not develop at her 2-year follow-up; however, she has been re-operated after developing nonunion in the left femoral segmental fracture. Conclusion: In conclusion, hip dislocations should be treated in first six hours due to the risk of avascular necrosis. Uncomplicated hip dislocations without accompanied fractures can be treated with sedoanalgesia in emergency service settings. However hip dislocations which are complicated with accompanied fractures should be reduced in operation rooms without delay.en_US
dc.publisherEmergency Medicine Physicians Assoc Turkeyen_US
dc.subjecthip dislocationen_US
dc.subjectsegmental fractureen_US
dc.subjecttraffic accidenten_US
dc.titleAsymmetrical Bilateral Traumatic Hip Dislocation with Segmental Femur Fractureen_US
dc.relation.journalJournal Of Emergency Medıcıne Case Reportsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTıp Fakültesien_US
dc.contributor.authorIDHacı Mehmet Çalışkan / 0000-0001-7370-420Xen_US
dc.contributor.authorIDÖmer Jaradat / 0000-0002-6177-710Xen_US
dc.contributor.authorIDMehmet Yetiş / 0000000281934344en_US
dc.contributor.authorIDZafer Ünveren / 0000-0001-5639-8183en_US
dc.contributor.authorIDSerdar Süha Sönmez / 0000-0002-6778-1417en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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