Forage yield and quality of Gelemen clover (Trifolium meneghinianum clem.) lines
The aim of this research was to determine the forage yields and qualities of Gelemen clover (Trifolium meneghinianum Clem.) lines. The experiment design was randomized block design with three replications. In the research, significant differences were determined among dry matter yields (675-1157kg/da), crude protein contents (15.69-18.56%), crude protein yields (112.16-206.97 kg/da), contents of acid detergent fiber (30.48-34.32%), neutral detergent fiber (38.36-43.33%), total digestible nutrient (57.05-62.00%), phosphorus (0.38-0.43%), potassium (1.91-2.61%), calcium (1.39-1.61%) and magnesium (0.33-0.39%) as well as relative feed values (134-158%). According to results it was decided that 1, 3, 4 and 6 numbered Gelemen clover lines were selected to test in region yield experiments. The aim of this research was to determine the forage yields and qualities of Gelemen clover (Trifolium meneghinianum Clem.) lines. The experiment design was randomized block design with three replications. In the research, significant differences were determined among dry matter yields (675-1157kg/da), crude protein contents (15.69-18.56%), crude protein yields (112.16-206.97 kg/da), contents of acid detergent fiber (30.48-34.32%), neutral detergent fiber (38.36-43.33%), total digestible nutrient (57.05-62.00%), phosphorus (0.38-0.43%), potassium (1.91-2.61%), calcium (1.39-1.61%) and magnesium (0.33-0.39%) as well as relative feed values (134-158%). According to results it was decided that 1, 3, 4 and 6 numbered Gelemen clover lines were selected to test in region yield experiments.