Dermoscopic diagnosis of notalgia paresthetica
Elmas, Ö. F., & Kilitci, A. (2021). Dermoscopic diagnosis of notalgia paresthetica. Agri: Agri (Algoloji) Dernegi'nin Yayin Organidir= The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology, 33(1), 50-51.Özet
To the Editor, Notalgia paresthetica (NP) is a type of chronic neuropathic dysesthesia characterized by an infrascapular hyperpigmented patch along with varying degrees of pain, itching, and paresthesia. The etiopathogenesis of the entity is clearly unknown, however, some hypotheses including an increased localized sensorial innervation, underlying cervical degenerative disc disease, and compressive neuropathies have been suggested.[1,2]