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dc.contributor.authorÇelikkaya, Tekin
dc.contributor.authorYakar, Hamza
dc.description.abstractSosyal Bilgiler dersinde, öğretmenlerin ve öğrencilerin birincil kaynak olarak kullandıkları ve takip ettikleri ders kitaplarında gazete haberlerinin nasıl yer aldığı, konu ile alakalı haberlere ne kadar yer verildiği, hangi haberlerin daha çok vurgulandığı ve bunların güncellik durumu ve sayısı büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu araştırmada ilköğretim Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ve özel yayınevleri tarafından basılan 4., 5., 6. ve 7. sınıf Sosyal Bilgiler kitaplarında gazete, internet ve dergi haberlerine yer verilme durumunun belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada nitel veri toplama yöntemlerinden Doküman İncelemesi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Sosyal bilgiler kitaplarında gazete haberleri, gazeteden kesilerek kitaba yapıştırılmış haber kupürleri ve metin şeklinde verilmektedir. Dergi haberleri de dergilerden kesilerek yapıştırılmış haber parçaları şeklindedir. İnternet haberleri, bilgisayar ekranında görünen internet sayfası görüntüsü içerisinde aynen çıktısı alınıp yapıştırılmış şekilde verilmektedir. MEB yayınında, tüm haber temaları özel yayınevine göre daha fazla yer almaktadır. Haber temaları içerisinde her iki yayınevi içinde en çok gazete haberleri sonrasında internet en son olarak da dergi haberleri gelmektedir. Sosyal bilgiler kitaplarında basım yılı (2013) itibariyle son bir-iki yıl içerisinde meydana gelmiş olan güncel konuların seçilmesine dikkat edilmediği görülmektedir. Sınıf düzeyine göre bakıldığında, en fazla haber teması 6. sınıf ve en az haber teması 7. sınıfta yer almaktadır. Programın öngördüğü gazete kupürlerinden yararlanma ile ders kitabına yansıyan haber sayıları arasında doğru bir orantı bulunmaktadıren_US
dc.description.abstractIntroduction Social studies can provide useful results to be obtained in education and training in order to keep in touch school and lessons from everyday life by moving some current events into classes. It is social studies lessons that the most intertwined with topical issues one of the lessons. Understanding of children the necessity of being aware of current events is important to be trained for the purposes of social studies as an informed citizen (Gedik, 2008). Current events provide that students' knowledge learned in school to make connections between real life, their acquired knowledge practise in real life problems and follow new developments in the area and country they live (Erden, u.d). Looking at researches made on the use of newspaper, impact on academic achievement (Uygur ve Yelken, 2010; Ünlüer, 2008) the purpose and course relationship (Deveci, 2005; Kabapınar ve Baysal, 2004; Munck, 2007) news analysis (Kee, Ibrahim and Mustaffa, 2010) is in the form and hasn’t been found a research which discusses the case of newspaper articles in the social studies book.For this reason, it is important that newspapers, magazines and internet news allowing the transfer of current events to what extent is existed in curriculum. Purpose It is important that teachers and students use as the primary source and they follow in textbooks how is existed, issues related to the news how much space is given, which reports more emphasis and their update status and number in social studies. Therefore, in this study, it is aimed to determine newspapers, internet and magazine news of status published by the Ministry of Education and private publishing houses in primary education 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade social studies textbooks. Method In this study was used “Document Analysis” technique which is one of the qualitative data collection methods. İnductive analysis method was used for data analysis. Population and Sample In this study, it is examined both the latest edition of Ministry of Education and private publishing houses in primary education 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade Social Studies teacher's book (2013-2014). Data Collection Process Social studies teacher guide books that indicated within the scope of the study were examined, findings related to newspapers and internet news that put textbooks taking from newspapers and magazines such as periodical publications were presented in tables by determining and making comparisons on the basis of the unit.Newspaper articles in social studies bookswere presented in the form of newspaper clippings and text cut and pasted from newspapers to textbooks. In addition, magazine news is in the form of news article parts cut from magazines glued to textbooks. Internet news are given exactly in the form of printed out and glued appears of computer screen. Some of the data obtained from the research was analyzed at the data gathering phase periodically, after that following the completion of activities was analyzed relationship with each other and consistency of data again analyzed. Researchers examined 20% of research data independently and then compare the analyzes were made. As a result of the comparison determined analysis to be consistent with each other, in the identification of themes has been reached consensus among researchers. In order to support the comments made by researchers and to reflect news contentwere used excerpts from the document text. (Fig. 1: p. 259) Findings Despite of the use 41 news at 4th grade in publishing ministry of education, consist 33 of this newspaper, 1 of this news magazines and 7 of this internet. While in total 33 news are existed in private publishing, consist 32 of this newspaper, 1 of this internet but news magazines are not existed. Despite of the use 83 news at 5th grade in publishing ministry of education, consist 51 of this newspaper, 28 of this internet and 4 of this news magazines. While in total 34 news are existed in private publishing, consist 4 of this newspaper, 27 of this internet and 3 of this news magazines. Despite of the use in total 108 news at 6th grade in publishing ministry of education, consist 62 of this newspaper, 38 of this internet and 8 of this news magazines. While in total 24 news are existed in private publishing, consist 4 of this newspaper, 20 of this internet and news magazines are not existed.Despite of the use in total 33 news at 7th grade in publishing ministry of education, consist 19 of this newspaper, 14 of this internet. While in total 9 news are existed in private publishing, consist 6 of this newspaper, 3 of this internet as for the news magazines, they are not existed both in publishing. All the news themes are existed more in publishing ministry of education according to private publishing. The total number of all news themes (264) in publishing ministry of education is more than twice the total number of news themes (100) in private publishing. It is the newspaper news themes (211) that most used in publishing ministry of education and private publishing. Internet news theme is existed in Ministry of Education publication (87) and private publishing (51). Current news is existed in Ministry of Education publication (264) and private publishing (100) with the theme of the news. It is the newspaper theme of Ministry of Education publication (165) that given the location of the most current news in the curriculum.Conclusion, Discussion and Suggession It seems that the internet news aren’t used at 4th and 5th grade textbooks in studies made by Gedik (2008) and examined the books of belonging to the year 2006-2007, while using 7 internet news at 4th grade Ministry of Education publication and 1 internet news at 4th gradeprivate publishing; 28 internet news at 5th grade Ministry of Education publication and 27 internet news at 5th gradeprivate publishing. This situation shows that internet news are used pretty widely in 2014 compared with belongs to the year 2014 and 2006. In the study made by Gedik (2008) the most widely used source of information is the newspaper at 4th and 5th grade textbooks. In the social studies curriculum, except for the news which is used as a historical document, news referring to important problems of present are the current news (Akbaba, 2013).Current news are existed in the MEB (264) and in the private publishing house (100). All news themes in the MEB are usud more according to the private publishing house. In both publishing, the most newspaper articles then internet and finally magazine news themes are usud in the all news themes. It is uncovered that is used the most newspaper and at least magazine news in total as source of news in the books examined in studies made by Gedik (2008) too. This situation reveals a great lack of using of the internet news in a 5 year period from 2008 to 2013 that the children increasingly use the internet. When the number of current issues that used in social studies textbooksanalyzed it is observed that increased from the 4th to the 6th grade class. In the 6th grade books are used more news about current topics as compared to other social sciences textbooks. On the other hand, it is observed that news about current issues decrease in the 7th grade social studies textbook. Here in may have an impact of the subject of the intensity and predominantly the history unit exist in 7th grade social studies textbook. When thinking age of use the internet and computer decrease, existing internet based news quantitatively in from the 4th grade to the 7th grade textbooks, may be guiding for the use of students the computers and the internet in a useful way. In this way, students can become conscious about essential information and research news. In this study, the most widely used source of information is the newspaper at 4th and 5th grade textbooks, but at 5thgrade private publishing the most widely used source of information is the internet. It seems that is not pay attention the selection of the current issues occurred in the last two years in year of publication (2013) social studies textbooks. With respect to the class level the most news theme is existed 6th grade and at least news theme is existed 7th grade social studies. There is a direct correlation between benefit from newspaper clippings stipulated by the curriculum and the number of news in the textbooks. Considering the use of the type of news, the use of the current news is more than the use of news as historical documents. Representation form of news sources in book vary in the Ministry of Education and private publishing. The news are shown the type of source and history under of news sources in the ministry publication (For Example: Newspaper News, 10 February 2009; Internet News, 17 August 2008). The news are shown writing news types and its order in brackets and are given the date of the news the bibliography for the news in the private publication ((For Example: 4.2 from the Press, Newspaper News (1) form). Web page is confused with the internet news in form of the use of news. In some places, web page are shown in form of the news, the internet news are also shown in form of web page in the book in some places. In the writing of news sources is noted some inaccuracies in textbooks. In Ministry of Education publication the sub-themes used news theme is more than private publishing. All the news themes are much more existed in Ministry of Education publication according to private publishing. In both publishing, the most newspapers then internet news and magazines as the latest are existed in news themes. The most news themes are existed at 6th grade and the least news themes are existed at 7th grade with respect to grade level. There are direct proportion benefit from newspaper clippings the program envisaged between the number of news are reflected in textbooks. Suggestions ? In each new edition of the textbook can be updated again and can display more new topics because of current issues constantly change. ? The number of internet based news can be increased from 4th grade to 7th grade in the textbook. ? Using more news magazine in the textbook may be useful for the students to gain the habit of reading magazines. Magazine news that selected form of attract the interest of students particularly, to arouse the curiosity and more information could make you feel the need to acquire can be more effective.en_US
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimleren_US
dc.subjectDisiplinler Arasıen_US
dc.titleSosyal Bilgiler Programında Gazete, Dergi Ve İnternet Haberlerinin Kullanılmasıen_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.contributor.departmentKırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US]

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