The Genetıc Parameter Estımatıons Of Mılk Yıeld Characterıstıcs Of Holsteın Cattles Raısed In Kırsehır
Karaagac, M., & Gene, S. (2020). The genetic parameter estimations of milk yield characteristics of holstien cattles raised in kirsehir.Abstract
In this study, 4589 milk yield records of Holstein Cattles in 389 enterprises, which are members of Kirsehir Cattle Breeders Association, recorded between 2007-2017 were used. 305-day milk yield (305 DMY), lactation length (LL) and dry period (DP), which are among the milk yield characteristics, and the effects of calving year, parity, calving season, calving age and enterprise factors on these characteristics were determined. The heritability and repeatability levels of 305 DMY, LL and DP were determined to be 0.23, 0.07, and <0.01; 0.23, 0.14 and 0.02, respectively. In the study, the genetic trend was calculated to be -8.58 kg\year. As a result, it is thought that the milk yield characteristics of Holstein Cattles raised in Kirsehir and the genetic parameters of these characteristics will be guiding in the animal breeding studies to be conducted for the future generations.
Fresenıus Envıronmental BulletınVolume
- Yayın Koleksiyonu [68]