Digital and Extradigital Glomus Tumors: A Clinicopathological Analysis
Kilitci, A., Elmas, Ö. F., & Tuncer, K. (2020). Digital and Extradigital Glomus Tumors: A Clinicopathological Analysis. Cyprus Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(4), 323-326.Özet
Glomus tumors (GTs) refer to a rare group of perivascular tumors that usually affect the digital region. The lesions are histologically composed of vessels and glomus cells in varying proportions. The present study was designed to reveal the clinicopathological findings of the entity.
We reviewed the demographic, clinical, and histopathological features of the patients with GTs who were admitted to our tertiary center in the previous decade.
Total 16 patients were enrolled, including 9 men and 7 women. The mean patient age was 57.8 y. The most common location was the finger followed by other locations that included the chest wall (2), elbow (1), forearm (1), nose (1), anterior abdominal wall (1), hip (1), back (1), thigh (1), knee (1), and foot (1). Seven patients presented with pain and localized tenderness. Subungual involvement was more common among women (4). All the lesions were solitary, soft in consistency, yellowish/brown in color, and regular in shape with smooth contours. The size of the lesions ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 cm (average size: 1.25 cm). Histopathologically, the patients were classified into 3 main types, including solid type, glomangioma type, and glomangiomyoma type. Edematous and extensive myxoid stromal changes were found in 4 patients. Immunhistochemical study was performed to support the diagnosis in 8 patients. Ki-67 expressions were "low" for all 8 specimens. All the patients were treated with total excision, and there was no recurrence in any case during at least 1 y of follow-up.
Extradigital GTs are more common than digital tumors. It should be kept in mind that a glomus tumor has the ability to involve different sites in the body. The differential diagnosis of painful and painless subcutaneous nodules in any location should include GTs.
Cyprus Journal of Medıcal ScıencesCilt
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