Refining Diagnosis is the Prerequisite for the Correct Treatment: The Cytodiagnostic Utility of SOX10 in the Diagnosis of Metastatic Melanoma

Göster/ Aç
Kilitçi, AsumanElmas, Ömer Faruk
Demirbaş, Abdullah
Atasoy, Mustafa
Türsen, Ümit
Lotti, Torello
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Kilitçi, A., Elmas, Ö. F., Demirbaş, A., Gamsızkan, M., Atasoy, M., Türsen, Ü., & Lotti, T. (2021). Refining diagnosis is the prerequisite for the correct treatment: The cytodiagnostic utility of SOX10 in the diagnosis of metastatic melanoma. Dermatologic Therapy, 34(1).Özet
Dear Editor,
A 60-year-old male patient presented with a complaint of growing
swelling in the left axilla for 3 weeks. The patient had no history of
chronic disease or cancer. Physical examination showed no abnormal
findings except for left axillary mass. Tumor markers including CEA,
AFP, CA15.3, CA19.9, CA125, and PSA were within normal limits
while high CRP (42 mg/l) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (57 mm/h)
were detected. Thorax Computed tomography (CT) and positron
emission tomography (PET) scans revealed three nodular masses with
a similar appearance in the right and left inferior lobes of the lungs
and axilla, each with a diameter of 4 cm, indicating malignancy