Bayburt İlinde Arıcılık Faaliyeti Yapan İşletmelerin Mevcut Durumu
Hamit Yazıcı, Bayburt İlinde Arıcılık Faaliyeti Yapan İşletmelerin Mevcut Durumu (Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2025.Abstract
As part of the evaluation of beekeeping activities in Bayburt province, a survey was
conducted with 202 beekeepers engaged in beekeeping across the region. After completing the
survey, the collected data were categorized based on the size of the businesses, and contingency
tables were created. Accordingly, enterprises with 0-20 hives were classified as the first group,
those with 21-50 hives as the second group, and those with 51 or more hives as the third group.
It was determined that 60.90% of the beekeepers who participated in the survey were
between the ages of 15 and 45, half of them were high school/university graduates, the majority of
them (91.60%) engaged in beekeeping as a supplementary income or hobby, and 71.30% of them
used traditional methods without receiving any beekeeping education. 67.30% of the participants
did not keep records, 79.70% preferred entirely wooden hives, 87.10% practiced stationary
beekeeping, 68.80% did not breed queen bees, 55.20% used Caucasian bees, and 27.70% used
Anatolian bees for production. It was also noted that 68.30% of the beekeepers kept their hives on
their own land, while 23.80% used the village’s shared apiary, and 90.10% of the honey they
produced was sold directly to consumers within the province. Furthermore, 85.10% of the payments
were received in cash.
It was also found that 61.40% of the producers were members of the beekeepers’
association, and 96.50% were not members of any cooperative. According to the participants, the
reasons for preferring Bayburt honey were: 91.10% for the quality of the honey, 84.70% for its
affordable price, and 85.10% for trust in the seller.
The main challenges in marketing Bayburt honey were identified as the inability to sell
honey at the desired time (78.20%), the inability to sell products at their fair value (90.10%), and
the widespread presence of fake honey in the market (83.20%).
Additionally, it was identified that 85.15% of the colonies were affected by brood disease,
85.64% by hedgehogs, 84.16% by wasps, 65.84% by bee-eaters, and 95.05% by bear attacks. To
address these issues, beekeepers should be provided with practical beekeeping training on topics
such as queen bee production
- Tez Koleksiyonu [655]