Browsing Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1088
The effects of chronic exposure to ethanol and cigarette smoke on the formation of peroxynitrite, level of nitric oxide, xanthine oxidase and myeloperoxidase activities in rat kidney
(SPRINGER, 2006)The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic ethanol intake and cigarette smoke exposure on rat kidney. The animals were divided into four experimental groups: (1) the control group (C), (2) the ethanol ... -
Karyotype analysis of ground squirrel (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Malatya (Türkiye)
(2006)The study was carried out in order to determine chromosomal variations both within and between populations in Spermophilus in Malatya. By the analysis of karyotypes we obtained the diploid chromosome number 2n = 42 and NF ... -
Karyotype analysis on two endemic Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) species in Turkey
(2006)In the present Research, the chromosome number and morphology of Salvia wiedemannii Boiss. and Salvia tchihatcheffii (Fisch and Mey) Boiss. were analyzed. These species are endemic o Turkey. The chromosomes number of Salvia ... -
A symbolic algorithm for exact power series solutions of nth order linear homogeneous differential equations with polynomial coefficients near an ordinary point
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2006)We developed an algorithm in Kiymaz and Mirasyedioglu [O. Kiymaz and 5. Mirasyedioglu, An algorithmic approach to exact power series solutions of second order linear homogeneous differential equations with polynomial ... -
Nef'i Biyografisine Ek
(2007)Kendi dehasına hayranlığı ve orijinal üslubu ile XVII. yüzyılın dikkat çeken şairleri arasında yer alan Nef î, hayatı hakkında oldukça az bilgiye sahip olduğumuz şairlerimizdendir. Bu yazıda, onun hakkında kaynaklarda ... -
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, Üçüncü Dönem Kırşehir Mebusları (3)
(2007)Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, Üçüncü Dönem Kırşehir Mebusları (3) T.B.M.M. Üçüncü Dönem (1927-1931), Büyük Türk İnkılâbının tamamlanması ve devletin kurumlaşması çalışmalarının özenle ve yaygın bir şekilde sürdürüldüğü, ... -
Microfungi of Kurtboğazı dam (Ankara) and its environment
(2007)Araştırma alanı, Ankara ili sınırları içindeki Kurtboğazı barajı ve çevresidir. Alanda yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda, bitkilerde gelişen 112 tür mikrofungus tespit edilmiştir. Teşhisi yapılan türlerin mantarlar alemindeki ... -
Altınkaya baraj gölü (Samsun-Türkiye)'nde yaşanan yayın balığı (Silurus glanis L., 1758)'nın yaşı için farklı kemiksi yapıların değerlendirilmesi
(2007)Özet: Altınkaya Baraj Gölü'nde yaşayan yaym balığı (Silurus glanis L., 1758)'mn farklı kemiksi yapıları yaş belirleme amacıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Toplam 128 örnekten omur, pektoral yüzgeç ışını, utrikular (lapillus) ve ... -
Salvia bracteata Banks& Sol. (kekikgiller) türünün morfolojik ve anatomik özellikleri
(2007)Bu araştırmada Salvia bracteata Banks & Sol. (Kekikgiller, Lamiaceae) türünün morfolojik ve anatomik özellikleri incelendi. Türe ait salgı ve örtü tüyleri sınıflandırıldı. Morfolojik incelemelerde türün çok yıllık bir köke, ... -
Free surface effect on displacement and relative interfacial displacement fields of misfit dislocations at the bicrystal interface
(2007)The displacement field u› and the relative interfacial displacement field ?u› are investigated for the material formed by two isotropic media. When one of the media tends to infinity and the other one has the thickness of ... -
Morphology of the spermatheca of several species of Dysmachus (Diptera : Asilidae) from Turkey: A scanning electron microscope study, second part
(AMER ENTOMOL SOC, 2007)The spermathecae of four species of the asilid genus Dysmachus (D. cephalenus, D. obtusus, D. safranboluticus, and D. tricuspis) were studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). There are three spermathecae ... -
The world's second record of Hyalodictyum colchicum reported from Turkey
(MYCOTAXON LTD, 2007)Hyalodictyum colchicum, a rare coelomycete, is reported and illustrated from Turkey on Quercus pubcscens. This is only the second locality reported for this fungus. -
A new species of Cylindrosporium
(MYCOTAXON LTD, 2007)The anamorphic fungus Cylindrosporium crataeginum sp. nov. is described and illustrated from living leaves of Crataegus tanacetifolia, C. monogyna subsp. monogyna and C. pentagyna collected in Turkey. -
Morphology, anatomy, hair and karyotype structure of Salvia blepharoclaena hedge and Hub.-Mor. (Lamiaceae), endemic to Turkey
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007)Salvia blepharoclaena is an endemic species belonging to the family Lamiaceae. In this study, morphology, anatomy, hair properties and chromosome number and morphology of this species were analysed. Chromosome number of ... -
Isolation of saponin from dried roots of Gypsophila simonii Hub. Mor
(Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007)In the present research, a saponin was isolated from the roots of Gypsophila simoni. The structure was characterized by means of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FTIR and EIMS. The findings indicate that the proposed structure of that ... -
The effect of strain relaxation on electron transport in undoped Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN heterostructures
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2007)The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) transport properties of two-step growth undoped Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN heterostructures with semi-insulating buffer, grown by MOCVD, were investigated in a temperature range of 20-350K. ... -
Optimization of alloy composition, interlayer and barrier thicknesses in AlxGa1-xN/(AlN)/GaN high electron mobility transistors
(NATL INST OPTOELECTRONICS, 2007)The investigating of the GaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) is focused to achieve two goals: increase of carrier density and mobility. Increasing the number of the carriers in the 2-dimensional-electron-gas ... -
Electron transport in Ga-rich InxGa1-xN alloys
(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2007)Resistivity and Hall effect measurements on n-type undoped Ga-rich InxGa1-xN (0.06 <= x <= 0.135) alloys grown by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) technique are carried out as a function of temperature (15-350K). ... -
Temperature-dependent electron transport in In0.5Ga0.5P/GaAs grown by MOVPE
(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2007)Hall effect measurements in undoped In0.5Ga0.5P/GaAs alloy grown by metal organic vapour-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) have been carried out in the temperature range 15-350 K. The experimental results are analysed using a two-band ...