Yayın tarihi için Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi listeleme
Toplam kayıt 359, listelenen: 1-20
On the new hyperbolic wave solutions to Wu-Zhang system models
(54, 5)In this study, some solitary wave solutions of the Wu-Zhang system are analyzed using the modified expansion function method and the sine-Gordon expansion method. Solitary wave solutions of this non-linear mathematical ... -
Analysis of nonlinear compartmental model using a reliable method
(Elsevier B.V., 214)The goal of this work is to investigate nonlinear models and their complexity using techniques that are universal and have connections to historical and material aspects. Using the premise of a constant population that is ... -
Construction and demolition waste-based geopolymers suited for use in 3-dimensional additive manufacturing
(ELSEVIER, 221)This paper focuses on the evaluation of ambient-cured 100% construction and demolition waste (CDW)-based geopolymers in terms of rheological properties for 3-dimensional additive manufacturing (3D-AM). The CDW- based ... -
Comparing repairing and strengthening methods of RC structural elements
(2009)In this study, the repairing and strengthening methods of reinforced column and beams which take damages at earthquake have been compared. Due to earthquake and/or vertical loads, damaged or insufficient structural components ... -
Reinforcement of beams by using carbon fiber reinforced polimer in concrete buildings
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2009)Concrete beams, which have insufficient bending and shear strengths, were strengthened wrapping them with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polimer (CFRP) in this study. The work was implemented on the rectangular section beams that ... -
Simultaneous Headspace-GC-FID Analysis for Methanol and Ethanol in Blood, Saliva, and Urine: Validation of Method and Comparison of Specimens
(ADVANSTAR COMMUNICATIONS INC, 2010)This study presents a headspace gas chromatography method with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) for the determination of ethanol and methanol content in biological fluids such as blood, urine, and saliva, emphasizing ... -
Effects of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) polymorphism on toxic metal and trace element levels in placental tissues
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)The placenta is a crucial organ of fetal origin that functions in providing nutrients to the fetus from the mother. During pregnancy, the need for essential micronutrients, such as Fe and Zn, increases due to the requirements ... -
Simultaneous Headspace-GC-FID Analysis for Methanol and Ethanol in Blood, Saliva and Urine: Validation of Method and Comparison of Specimens
(ADVANSTAR COMMUNICATIONS INC, 2011)This study presents a headspace gas chromatography method with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) for the determination of ethanol and methanol content in biological fluids such as blood, urine and saliva, emphasizing ... -
Strengthening with carbon fiber reinforced polymer and glass fiber reinforced polymer of insufficient bending rigidity simple rectangular beams
(2011)The reinforcement of rectangular sectioned and simple supported beams, with carbon and glass fibers against the bending strength was examined in this study. Reinforcement of the reinforced concrete beams with Carbon Fiber ... -
The regulation of microcystin biosynthesis pathways and genetic mechanisms [Mikrosistin biyosentez yolaklari{dotless}ni{dotless}n düzenlenmesi ve genetik mekanizmalar]
(2012)The cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), as they are commonly named, comprise a diverse group of oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria that inhabit a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial environments, and display incredible ... -
Pollution in Melendiz Water Basin Groundwater
(HARD, 2012)In our study, samples were taken from the groundwater that is used for drinking and irrigation in the Melendiz Water Basin, and the quality of water and the factors causing pollution were determined by evaluating them ... -
Antimicrobial Activity of Bacillus Strains Isolated from Spring Water and A Novel Bacteriocin: RS108
(DR M N KHAN, 2013)The aim of this research was to investigate the bacteriocins produced by Bacillus strains isolated from the spring water of Rize, in Turkey. Bacillus cereus RS108 was identified by both conventional and molecular methods, ... -
Doxorubicin loading, release, and stability of polyamidoamine dendrimer-coated magnetic nanoparticles
(WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2013)Nanotechnology is a promising alternative to overcome the limitations of classical chemotherapy. As a novel approach, dendrimer-coated magnetic nanoparticles (DcMNPs) maintain suitable drug delivery system because of their ... -
Helium Diffraction Study of Low Coverage Phases of Mercaptoundecanol and Octadecanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111) Prepared by Supersonic Molecular Beam Deposition
(AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2013)Thiol self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au(III) are ubioquitous systems for surface functionalization. While these systems have been studied extensively in the past there are a still points that need further investigation ... -
Antimicrobial activity of Bacillus strains isolated from spring water and a novel bacteriocin: RS108
(2013)The aim of this research was to investigate the bacteriocins produced by Bacillus strains isolated from the spring water of Rize, in Turkey. Bacillus cereus RS108 was identified by both conventional and molecular methods, ... -
Identıfıcatıon Of Il-6-174g/C Promoter Polymorphısm In Chronıc Myeloıd Leukemıa
Culturable bacterial microbiota of Plagiodera versicolora (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and virulence of the isolated strains
(SPRINGER, 2013)Plagiodera versicolora (Laicharting, 1781) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is an important forest pest which damages many trees such as willow, poplar, and hazelnut. In order to find new microbes that can be utilized as a ... -
PAMAM dendrimer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles: synthesis and characterization of different generations
(SPRINGER, 2013)This study focuses on the synthesis and characterization of different generations (G(0)-G(7)) of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer-coated magnetic nanoparticles (DcMNPs). In this study, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles ... -
Polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid loading onto different generations of PAMAM dendrimer-coated magnetic nanoparticles
(SPRINGER, 2013)Poly (I:C), which is a synthetic double-stranded RNA, have significant toxicity on tumor cells. The immobilization of Poly (I:C) onto nanoparticles is important for the fabrication of targeted delivery systems. In this ... -
Evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi against the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae)
(TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 2013)The sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), is one of the most destructive pests of plane trees (Platanus spp.) worldwide. This pest is a major nuisance in Europe since plane trees are very popular ...