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Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Construction and demolition waste-based geopolymers suited for use in 3-dimensional additive manufacturing
(ELSEVIER, 221)This paper focuses on the evaluation of ambient-cured 100% construction and demolition waste (CDW)-based geopolymers in terms of rheological properties for 3-dimensional additive manufacturing (3D-AM). The CDW- based ... -
Reinforcement of beams by using carbon fiber reinforced polimer in concrete buildings
(ACADEMIC JOURNALS, 2009)Concrete beams, which have insufficient bending and shear strengths, were strengthened wrapping them with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polimer (CFRP) in this study. The work was implemented on the rectangular section beams that ... -
Strengthening with carbon fiber reinforced polymer and glass fiber reinforced polymer of insufficient bending rigidity simple rectangular beams
(2011)The reinforcement of rectangular sectioned and simple supported beams, with carbon and glass fibers against the bending strength was examined in this study. Reinforcement of the reinforced concrete beams with Carbon Fiber ... -
An Experimental Investigation on Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Different Techniques
(KOREAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-KSCE, 2014)In in many earthquake-prone regions and countries including Mediterranean area, India, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, existing buildings with its structural elements such as Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams and columns, ... -
Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams with CFRP and GFRP
(HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORPORATION, 2014)Concrete beams were strengthened by wrapping the shear edges of the beams twice at 45 in opposite directions by either carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) or glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP). The study included 3 ... -
Optimization of the Garzan Hydropower System operations
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2017)Through the rapid development of the watersheds in Turkey with projects developed by incorporated companies, a problem has arisen of how to operate a cascade reservoir system composed of state-and private sector-owned ... -
Finite-element analyses of light timber-framed walls with and without openings
(ICE PUBLISHING, 2017)The static responses of timber-framed shear walls with and without openings of variable dimensions and locations were numerically investigated using the finite-element (FE) method. The lateral load resistance capacities ... -
Generation of high-resolution digital surface models for urban flood modelling using UAV imagery
(WITPress, 2018)This study focuses on the generation of a high resolution digital surface model (DSM) using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based aerial photography to be utilized in the two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model analyses to ... -
The Tigris hydropower system operations: the need for an integrated approach
(ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)The Tigris hydropower system is analyzed through an integrated operational policy. The operation algorithm is formulated in terms of non-linear programming to maximize energy production while satisfying water demands in ... -
Estimation of irrigation return flow on monthly time resolution using SWAT model under limited data availability
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019)This study is an assessment of the return flow ratio of an irrigation abstraction using the flow records of a downstream stream-gauging station, with the example of the Kozluk scheme irrigated by diverted water from Garzan ... -
Two-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling for urban flood risk assessment using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery: A case study of Kirsehir, Turkey
(WILEY, 2019)This study is an assessment of flash flood risk in the downstream part of an intermittent stream which lost its natural bed due to intense human interventions, with the example of Hastane Brook in the province of Kirsehir ... -
Performance of engineered cementitious composites under drop-weight impact: Effect of different mixture parameters
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2019)Current research focuses on the experimental and numerical determination of impact performance of engineered cementitious composites (ECC). Performance assessment of ECC beams with different mixture parameters was made. ... -
Electrical testing for the assessment of self-healing and self-sensing capability of cementitious composites
(Associated Cement Companies Ltd., 2019)Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) is regarded as a multifunctional smart material due to its intrinsic autogenous self-healing and self-sensing attributes. Here, recent findings related to the utilization of electrical ... -
Effects of Mixture Design Parameters on the Mechanical Behavior of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2020)The main purpose of this research is to assess the influence of different design parameters on the mechanical performance of high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (HPFRC) mixtures. Special attention is also paid to ... -
Mechanical properties and microstructure of cement multicomponent systems containing pozzolan materials under sulfate attack
(Stowarzyszenıe Producentow Cementu, 2020)Sulfates are a significant chemical components that may lead to failures of cement concrete composites. The present study is dedicated to analyzing the effects of sulfate on the microstructure of cement composite mortars. ... -
Assessing the impact of topography and land cover data resolutions on two-dimensional HEC-RAS hydrodynamic model simulations for urban flood hazard analysis
(Springer, 2020)This study assesses the effects of topography and land cover data resolutions on the estimates of flood extent, inundation depths, flow velocities, and arrival times of a two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic HEC-RAS model ... -
Extreme precipitation indices trend assessment over Thrace region, Turkey
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2021)The frequency and the severity of extreme weather events are increasing globally and will continue to do so in the coming decades as a consequence of our changing climate. Understanding the characteristics of these events ... -
Investigation of thermal performance of double-layered thermally activated building system in heating mode
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2021)Main principle of the thermally active building system (TABS) which is a type of radiant heating system operating at low temperatures range as 30–50 ˚C is to bring the ambient temperature to the desired level by heating ... -
Non-stationary investigation of extreme rainfall
(Salehan Institute of Higher Education, 2021)Natural or human-induced variability emerged from investigation of the traditional stationary assumption regarding extreme precipitation analyses. The frequency of extreme rainfall occurrence is expected to increase in the ... -
Quantile trends of subhourly extreme rainfall: Marmara Region, Turkey
(Sprınger Int Publ Ag, 2021)Global climate change will probably cause intensification of the hydrologic cycle, which can lead to alterations in extreme precipitation properties. In this study, we investigated the trend of 5-, 10-, 15-, and 30-min ...