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Toplam kayıt 40, listelenen: 1-20
Evaluation of anisotropy by two different tests for TRIP800 steel
(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014)For the process modeling, material properties such as anisotropy values at different orientation are very important. The most commonly used method for the determining of the anisotropy values is the tensile test that is ... -
Effects of anisotropic yield functions on prediction of forming limit diagrams of DP600 advanced high strength steel
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2014)In recent years, numerous researchers have reported that the predicted forming limit diagrams strongly depend on the method of determining the material parameters used in the yield functions and the corresponding the shape ... -
Effects of Pre-strain and Temperature on Bake Hardening of TWIP900CR Steel
(JOURNAL IRON STEEL RESEARCH EDITORIAL BOARD, 2015)The effects of pre-strain and baking temperature on bake hardening behaviour of TWIP900CR steel were investigated. The results reveal that the bake hardening process contributes to an increase in yield strength up to 65 ... -
The effect of powder mixed and heated dielectric on drilling performance of electric discharge machining (EDM)
(GAZI UNIV, FAC ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE, 2016)In this study, heated silicon oil with added carbon and starch powders was used as dielectric liquid, instead of common hydro-carbon based dielectrics, to obtain better hole surface quality with rotating brass tube electrode ... -
Comparison of performances of commercial TWIP900 and DP600 advanced high strength steels in automotive industry
(GAZI UNIV, FAC ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE, 2016)Mechanical properties and formability of TWIP900 steel, which is a new material for automotive industry, are investigated. TWIP steels have a good combination of high strength and high formability. Therefore, they are very ... -
Ti-6Al-4V alloy cortical bone screw production by powder injection molding method
(AMER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS, 2017)In this study, Ti-6Al-4V alloy is targeted to produce cortical bone screw by powder injection molding method. The rheology study was experimentally performed with PEG8000: PP: SA binder system. Thermogravimetric (TGA) ... -
Evaluation of Formability Under Different Deformation Modes for TWIP900 Steel
(ASME, 2017)Automotive manufacturers always seek high strength and high formability materials for automotive bodies. Advanced high strength steels (AHSS) are excellent candidates for this purpose. These steels generally show a reasonable ... -
Investigation of tribological properties of MoS2 and graphite coatings under different environmental conditions
(GAZI UNIV, FAC ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE, 2018)In this study, 10 mm in diameter and 20 mm length made of AISI1008 steel samples coated with graphite and MoS2 powders which widely used today as a solid lubricant with lead-spinning method. A pin-disc type tribometer was ... -
Investigation of the Performance of Flow Models for TWIP Steel
(SPRINGER, 2018)Modeling of metal processing requires constitutive laws able to represent the experimental material behavior. Of the large number of available empirical constitutive equations, only a subset may be fitted accurately to ... -
An investigation of moldability and mechanical properties of MgO added alumina
(REDAKCIA KOVOVE MATERIALY, 2018)In this study, the influence of MgO addition on mechanical properties of the injection molded alumina was investigated. Firstly, alumina feedstocks (without adding MgO) were prepared to determine the optimum powder/binder ... -
New trend in aerospace industry: Al-Li based alloys
(GAZI UNIV, FAC ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE, 2019)Al-Li (Aluminum-Lithium) alloys have become the focus of the aerospace industry due to their low density and high elasticity modulus, excellent corrosion resistance, high hardness, high fatigue crack growth resistance, and ... -
Effects of Aging Temperature, Time, and Pre-Strain on Mechanical Properties of AA7075
(UNIV FED SAO CARLOS, DEPT ENGENHARIA MATERIALS, 2019)Aluminum alloys of the 7xxx series (AA7075) are preferred in the aerospace and automotive industries due to their low densities, high strength, good corrosion resistance properties. Additionally, these alloys show the most ... -
Effects of the drill flute number on drilling of a casted AZ91 magnesium alloy
(CARL HANSER VERLAG, 2019)This experimental study aims to reveal the effect of the drill flute number on the thrust force, tool wear, tool life, chip morphology, surface hardness and microstructure in the drilling of a cast AZ91 magnesium alloy. ... -
Biomechanical performance using finite element analysis of different screw materials in the parallel screw fixation of Salter-Harris Type 4 fractures
(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019)The biomechanical performance of stainless steel, titanium alloy, cobalt-chromium and NiTi alloy has been compared to fix with parallel fixation in Salter-Harris Type 4 fractures. The best material has been determined under ... -
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Different Temperature and Deformation Speeds on Mechanical Properties and Springback Behaviour in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy
(KAUNAS UNIV TECHNOL, 2019)Thanks to their low density and high strength, the 7XXX series aluminum alloys are widely used as a support/beam parts in the aerospace industry. This alloy is target in the lightening studies of the automotive industry ... -
Fabrıcatıon And Sımulatıon Of Feedstock For Tıtanıum-Powder Injectıon-Moldıng Cortıcal-Bone Screws
(INST ZA KOVINSKE MATERIALE I IN TEHNOLOGIE, 2019)Titanium-powder injection molding is a combination of plastic injection and powder metallurgy. Using this technology, near-net titanium parts are produced. In this study, feedstock-development experiments were performed ... -
Combustion characteristics of various biogas flames under reduced oxygen concentration conditions
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC, 2019)Distributed combustion is a promising method to obtain more uniform thermal field inside a combustor and reduced ultra-low pollutant emission levels at a combustor outlet. In this way, oxygen concentration in the oxidizer ... -
Analysis of the effect of H 2 0 content on combustion behaviours of a biogas fuel
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)The present work deals with the biogas in a combustor with regard to its combustion features under differing conditions of H 2 0 content and H 2 S. The content of water (H 2 O) vapour has been changed from 0% to 10% and a ... -
(World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd, 2019)This study applied piston-valve coating for an engine that worked 100% on biodiesel fuel and investigated the wear characteristics after the experiment. The plasma spraying method was used as the coating method. Al2O3 and ... -
Analysis of Yield Criteria and Flow Curves on FLC for TWIP900 Steel
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)In this study, the applicability of yield criteria and flow curve models to predict forming limit curve (FLC) via the Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) model is investigated for TWIP900 steel. Forming limit characteristics of ...