Now showing items 1-10 of 2535
Private schools in the Ottoman State and New information on the history of the first Turkish private school [Osmanl Devletinde Özel okullar ve ilk türk Özel okulunun tarihçesine dair yeni bilgiler]
One of the most disputable issues in Turkish Educational History is related to the early private schools, the date of their establishment and the name of the firstly established Turkish private school. Although there is ...
The effect of web-based learning environments on attitudes of students regarding computer and internet
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of web-based education on student attitudes towards computer and internet in comparison with traditional instruction in the course of Computer II. In this research, ...
A comparison of different teaching applications based on questioning in terms of their effects upon pre-service teachers' good questioning skills
The present study was conducted to comparatively determine the effects of different teaching applications based on questioning upon pre-service teachers' good questioning skills. The research is a qualitative study that ...
Instructional technology and material development courses motivation scale
The aim of this research is to develop to determine universitystudents' motivations against Instructional Technology and Material Development Course. The pre-trial form of Instructional Technology and Material Development ...
The correlation between interaction-audience anxieties and internet addiction levels of adults
The objective of this study is to determine what kind of a relationship exists between the interaction and audience anxiety levels of adults and internet addiction. The study was performed in the scanning model and is ...
Effects of linear texts in page scrolling and page-by-page reading forms on reading comprehension introduction
This research aims to analyse the Effect of Scrolling and page by page moving Static Texts on Comprehension of Screen Reading of 4th grade students. The sample was composed of 46 students of 4th grade students of a elementary ...
Identifying preschool teachers' opinion about peer bullying
The purpose of this study is to identify preschool teachers' opinion about bullying. How do teachers perceive bullying? What kind of strategies they apply to prevent bullying or what they do when they face peer bullying ...
Examination of the professional self-esteem of teacher candidates studying at a faculty of education
This study aims to determine the professional self-esteem levels of teacher candidates studying at the Faculty of Education, Ahi Evran University, Ki{dotless}rşehir, Turkey, to examine whether certain variables create any ...
The effect of parents' behaviours to their childrens' basic needs on childrens' emotional abuse-neglect (an example of Kirşehir Province) [Anne babalarin çocuklarinin temel gereksi'ni'mleri'ne yaklaşim tarzlarinin çocuklarinin duygusal i'sti'smar-i'hmal durumuna etki'si' (Kirşehir i'li örneği')]
(T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi, 2011)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Parents' Approach Styles to their school age children's basic needs on children Emotional Abuse- Neglect; if there is, to determine its today's level, to increase ...
Evaluation of primary education second and third class turkish textbook, student workbook and teacher guide book according to teacher opinions [İlkögretim ikinci· ve üçüncü sınıf türkçe ders kitabi, öğrenci çalışma kitabı ve öğretmen kılavuz kitabinin öğretmen görüşlerine dayalı olarak değerlendirilmesi]
In this survey primary education second and third class Turkish textbook, student workbook and teacher guide book, which were handed out to students and teachers free by Ministry of Education in 2007-2008 academic year, ...