Browsing İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 121
Sağlık hizmetlerinde idarenin ve hekimlerin sorumluluğu
(2007)Bu çalısmada sağlık kamu hizmetleri kapsamında idarenin ve hekimin sorumluluğu ele alınmıstır. Bu bağlamda öncelikle sağlık, sağlık hakkı ve sağlık kamu hizmeti, sonrasında ise idarenin kusura dayanan sorumluluğu ve kusursuz ... -
The kirkuk-haifa pipeline
(2009)Israel, a state poor in hydrocarbon resources, is surrounded by Arab states with rich crude oil sources. Since Israel is unable to import crude oil from its neighbors in the region because of political reasons, it has to ... -
Vatandaş odaklı/vatandaşın odakta olduğu yönetim: Kent konseyleri ve Selçuklu Belediyesi örneği
(2009)Geleneksel yönetim anlayışının yerini yeni yönetim anlayışına terk etmesi ile birlikte, kamu yönetiminde yeniden yapılanma gereksinimi ortaya çıkmıştır. Vatandaş odaklılık, yönetişim, yerellik, hesap verebilirlik, şeffaflık ... -
Yerel yönetimlerde stratejik yönetim anlayışı: Konya il özel idaresi örneği
(2010)Bu çalışmada, İl Özel İdarelerinde yeniden yapılanma, yeni yönetim anlayışı ve bu adımlara örnek olması bakımından Konya İl Özel İdaresi (İÖİ) stratejik plan çalışması ele alınmaktadır. 5302 sayılı İl Özel İdaresi ve 5018 ... -
Laeken zirvesinden Lizbon Antlaşması'na:Anayasalaşamayan anayasallaşma süreci
(2010)Bu çalışmanın temel amacını, Avrupa Birliği için bir anayasa oluşturulmasına dair atılan adımların incelenmesi oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada izlenilen yöntem; önce Nice ardından da Laeken Zirvelerinde ortaya koyulan ... -
Geopolitics of Russian crude oil and natural gas
(2010)Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılmasının ardından Rus ekonomisi ve politikasının hem bölgesel hem de uluslararası ilişkilerde bir gerileme yaşadığı bir gerçektir. Büyük bütçe açıkları bir taraftan, yakın coğrafyası üzerinde ... -
Ermeni meselesinin psikolojik yönü
(2010)Özet: "Ermeni meselesi" olarak bilinen sorunun siyasi, diplomatik, tarihî, sosyolojik ve hukukî yönleri farklı bakış açılarıyla incelenmekte, araştırılmaktadır. Ancak, sorunun çözüme ulaşmasındaki en önemli alan olan ... -
An Empirical Test of the Knowledge Management Life Cycle Model at a Turkish Petroleum Oil Industry Firm
(ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2010)Most of the knowledge management life cycle models (KMLCM) in the literature are not only focusing on the processes of knowledge in organizations but also emphasizes the role of knowledge. The theoretical background of ... -
The Effect of Strategic Learning Systems and Organizational Structure on e-Government Performance: A Survey in the Public Sector by Means of an Artificial Neural Network
(ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2011)The present study aims to measure the e-Government performance of public institutions and organizations in Turkey and to determine the strategic learning system (SL) and organizational structure (OS) of Turkish e-Government ... -
Strategic importance of crude oil and natural gas pipelines
(2012)This paper argues that crude oil and natural gas pipelines create mutual interdependence among the various participants the interests of which would be deteriorated in the event of any kind of failure throughout the different ... -
Teaching Artificial Neural Networks Course: A Draft for Management and Organization Master Programs
(ACAD CONFERENCES LTD, 2012)This study aims to develop an academic program which offers both theoretical knowledge and application to teach Artificial Neural Nets (ANN) with a different analysis method for the students studying in the fields of ... -
An assessment on the changing role of state in globalizing world economy
(Springer International Publishing, 2013)This study aims at assessing the transformation undergone within the framework of globalization in terms of the tasks assumed by the state in the economy. This study, which provides a theoretical framework, discusses the ... -
A general survey into presidentship from a party origin in Turkey
(2013)Turkey evolved into the parliamentary regime with the Fundamental Law amendments in 1909 and the regime in those years functioned in line with representative liberal democracy principles. In the 1982 Constitution too, this ... -
Credit crunch in the environment of the global crisis: The case of Turkey
(International Economic Society, 2013)The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether the decrease in real sector loans of the Turkish banking sector caused by the global crisis is primarily a supply-side or demand-side case. In addition, this study ... -
Beyond Afghanistan NATO's partnership with central asia and south caucasus: A tangled partnership?
(2014)This article examines how the Alliance's partnership policy has changed in Central Asia and South Caucasus since the 1990s and aims to clarify to what extent NATO's new partnership policy can affect its relations with these ... -
Impact of domestic credits on the current account balance: A panel ARDL analysis for 15 OECD countries
(National Academy of Management, 2014)A very fast credit growth that is denominated as a credit boom not only contributes to financial and economic growth, but also can have negative effects on the current account balance and can increase the probability of a ... -
Ethical Behavior of Salesperson: The Impact of Consumer's Perception on Trust, Satisfaction and Repeat Purchasing Behavior
(IGIAD-TURKISH ENTREPRENEURSHIP & BUSINESS ETHICS ASSOC, 2015)One of the essential factors for the purpose of maintaining businesses market shares is developing friendly, long-term relationships with the customer rather than short-term ones. One of the activities that best serves ... -
The Relationship of Participatory Democracy and City Councils: A Comparative Analysis Through Kirsehir and Yozgat City Councils
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015)Participatory democracy describes that individuals of their own accord, active and versatile to be incorporated into management decisions and practices. Today, administrative participation applications such as participatory ... -
Determinants of target dividend payout ratio: A panel autoregressive distributed lag analysis
(Econjournals, 2015)The aim of this study is to find out the determinants of target dividend payout ratio (TDPR) of BIST - listed firms operating in the non-metallic products (cement) manufacturing industry in the period of 2002-2012. Through ...