An investigation on Turkish primary school students' perceptions about global warming and their thoughts on preventing global warming
This research aims to determine the perceptions of primary level students' about global warming and their thoughts about stopping global warming. This research used one form of qualitative research design, the case study method. This case study is carried out in two different socioeconomic environments in Turkey's Kirsehir province with students from grades of 4th to 8th. A Primary School was selected to represent the higher socioeconomic environment and B Primary School was selected to represent the lower socioeconomic environment. The research group was composed of 40 students, 20 students from each school. The semi-structured interview method was used to collect the data. The results showed that the vast majority of students have insufficient knowledge or misconception about global warming. Additionally the primary students have produced very interesting solutions in order to prevent global warming. © IDOSI Publications, 2013.
World Applied Sciences JournalCilt