The problem of meter in Shah Ismail Hatâyî's poems [Şah Ismail Hatâyî'nin şiirlerinde kullandigi vezin meselesi]
Creating a diwan under Hatâî penname, Shah Ismail-i Safavid (common usage in Anatolia, Hatâyî), is a powerful poet as much as man of government and politics. He has gained a longlasting impact on Anatolian Turkish society, not only with his mystical and political aspect but also with his Turkish peoms. The memoir of Shah Ismail-i Safavid who was much loved is perpetuated with his poems among Alawi-Bektashi circles. His poems were chanted in assemblies and quotated in cönks, majmuas (poetry collection) for centuries. Coming accross his poems frequently in poetry collections and conks shows how much he is loved in Anatolia. The number of copies of his Diwan on abroad is much more than the ones in Turkey. There are numerous scientific and popular publications on them. In this study, after dicussing these publications on Shah Ismail-i Safavid's diwan, types of meters that have been subject of debates for a long time in literary circles will be discussed. Besides, the matter that his poems are confused with the XVIth century poet Hitâbî because of their similarities in orthography will also be discussed here.