Farming in the Forests of Black Sea Coastal; Case Study of Black Sea Region in Turkey
Forest areas provide an ideal location for planting many valued plants as well as animal production. Beside timber production, there are some plants prefer shaded conditions which required management practices. When considering farming in forested lands, some animals and plants are feasible in the available resources of forests. The coastal of Black Sea Region runs from Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, and Turkey. The sea is very abundant for fish catches and providing important feeding areas for commercially important species. The region is very important for wildlife of animals. For example, raptors, pelicans, storks' waders are some kind of birds in the area. Forests are very important for timber production. Naturally, the region is famous with 79 animal species and six plant species. The Black Sea Region is one of Turkey's geographical regions. The available resources are feasible for high value forest corps beside the sea products and tourism. The aim or this study is to presents some examples of forest farming in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. The objective of the study is to help creating ecological farming through the Black Sea Coast within the collaboration of several countries. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.