Health-related physical fitness profiles of women who attend regular activity classes
Objectives: The study aimed to investigate physical fitness profiles of women who attend activity classes of a regularly. Methods: Two hundred thirty one healthy women (age: 37.80±9.45years, weight: 75.46±13.72 kg, height: 1.62±0.05 m.) who regularly attended activity classes of a town sport center were participated. Body composition with bioelectrical impedance analysis (Bodystat 1500, Bodystat Ltd., England), cardio-respiratory fitness with UKK 2 km walk test, muscle strength of lower extremity with Biodex System 3 isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems, USA), hand grip with hand dynamometer (Chattanooga, TN, USA) and upper extremity endurance with push-ups test, trunk strength and endurance with back/leg/chest dynamometer (Baseline, USA) and static back extension, flexibility with sit and reach test were assessed. Results: Body mass index, fat mass, fat percentage, dry lean mass and waist hip ratio were as follows: 28.69±5.11 kg/cm2; 28.65±10.22 kg; 37.08±7.59; 12.74±2.47 kg; 0.83±0.06. They were overweight and fat percentage was over the border. One hundred forty eight participants completed the 2 km walk test. VO2 max according to the calculations of the test was found 132.63±17.80 which is slightly over the normal values. Lower extremity muscle strength at 60º/s for knee extension (123.43±45.02; 115.76±44.19 N/M) and flexion (70.68±27.49; 68.13±26.11 N/M) of right and left extremities were given respectively. Hand grip was 26.59±7.05 N on the dominant side. Push up scores were 19.09±6.24 rep/40 sec. Trunk strength 71.44±24.90 N, trunk endurance with static back extension was 45.14±29.36 sec. which is quite poor. Flexibility was 10.73±7.58 cm. Conclusion: Although the cardio respiratory functions of the participants who had tolerate the test were fine, body composition and musculoskeletal fitness results were found poor. Attention must be paid for the musculoskeletal fitness and weight control for these women. © The Author(s) 2014.