GGE Biplot Analysis of Reactions of Bread Wheat Pure Lines Selected from Central Anatolian Landraces of Turkey to Leaf Rust Disease (Puccinia triticina) in Multiple Location-Years
The present study was conducted to determine the reactions of 88 bread wheat pure lines selected from landraces collected in Central Anatolian Region of Turkey against leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) under field conditions in 7 locations. GGE biplot analysis was used to determine the reactions of landrace genotypes against the disease. The GGE biplot explained 73.89% of total variation. Among the experimental locations, 6 (except for E3) were placed close to each other over the biplot graph, indicating two apparent mega-environments. The GGE biplot visually displayed the resistance and stability of the pure lines to leaf rust. The landrace genotypes L18, L19, L45, and L2 were identified as the most resistant/stable genotypes in all environments and L31 and L56 were the most susceptible/stable genotypes.