Shoot growth curve analysis of maize cultvars under boron deficiency
This research was conducted in 2003-2004 in Karaaslan, Soil and Water Sources Research Institute, Konya the largest province in Central Anatolia Region. There is boron deficiency in soils. Thirteen corn cultivars (TTM 8119, MAT 97, RX 770, PİAVE, DK 585, DK 647, LUCE, TTM 815, LG 55, LG 60, T 1595, BC 566 and P 3394) were tested in completely randomized design with four replications. 0 (B-)-deficiency- and 3.0 kg B/ha (B+) of boron levels were applied as boric acid (H 3BO 3) before seed sowing. Richards Model was used estimation of growth. The Weighted Sum of Squares of Residual (WSS), the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Schwartz criterion (SC) were used as comparison criteria. As result, 3.0 kg B/ha (B+) dose revealed better growth than 0 (B-). Average dry matter accumulation in boron deficient plots (245.3 g/plant) was lower than the other plots (263.8 g/plant). But, boron deficiency of plot yields (1028.8 kg/da) was higher than for other plot yields (1024.8 kg/da).
Journal of Animal and Plant SciencesCilt
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