Quaternıonic Bertrand Curves Accordıng To Type 2-Quaternıonıc Frame In R-4
AKSOYAK, F. K. Quaternionic Bertrand curves according to type 2-quaternionic frame in $\mathbb {R}^{4} $. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 71(2), 395-406.Özet
In this paper, we give some characterizations of quaternionic Bertrand curves whose torsion is non-zero but bitorsion is zero in R-4 according to Type 2-Quaternionic Frame. One of the most important points in working on quaternionic curves is that given a curve in R-4, the curve in R-3 associated with this curve is determined individually. So, we obtain some relationships between quaternionic Bertrand curve alpha((4)) in R(4)and its associated spatial quaternionic curve alpha in R-3. Also, we support some theorems in the paper by means of an example.
Communıcatıons Faculty Of Scıences Unıversıty Of Ankara-Serıes A1 Mathematıcs And StatıstıcsCilt
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