Variables affecting education faculty students’ satisfactions about their instructors
The purpose of this study was about determining some of the variables affecting Ahi Evran University Education Faculty students’ expectations and satisfactions about their instructors. The sample of the study included senior students at Ahi Evran University Education Faculty. The data were collected by using the Instructor Satisfaction Survey that was designed by the author. The reliability coefficient of this survey was calculated to be r. 90. Based on the collected data, relations between some variables were calculated considering arithmetic mean, standard deviation, one way Anova, LCD and Pearson’s correlation tests, and parameters obtained from the survey. The results suggested that students’ satisfaction levels were differed according to their departments and this differentiation was related to their department decision, perceptions about the department enrolled and the content of it, level of communication, the way they describe themselves, and the time spent for classes. At the end of the study, some suggestions were provided to the educators, administrators, and families. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.