Haci Bektas Veli, Ahi Evran-i Veli and Bektashism and Akhism perceptions of students at Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli and Ahi Evran Universities [Nevşehir Haci Bektaş Veli ve Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Ö?rencilerinin Haci Bektaş Veli ve Ahi Evran-i Veli ile Bektaşilik ve Ahilik Algilari]
This study has been carried out to reveal is how two prominent figures in the Turkish culture, Haci Bektas Veli and Ahi Evran-i Veli, are perceived by the students at Nevsehir Haci Bektas and Ahi Evran Universities. A questionaire was applied to the sample including one thousand and five hundred students who were randomly selected from the the different colleges and schools in the central campuses of Nevsehir Haci Bektas and Ahi Evran Universities, and Hacibektas Vocational School and the data collected was analyzed through SPSS and interpreted accordingly. Through such a study, it is revealed how much Haci Bektas Veli and Ahi Evran-i Veli are known and how they are perceived by the students of the universities which have been establised in their names in the cities where they spent most parts of their lives and were entombed, which is believed it will shed light on the ways of introducing the exceptional individuals in Turkish culture to the young generations and it will contribute to Turkish culture studies.
Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli - Arastirma DergisiCilt
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