Problems with the teaching of cursive handwriting [Bitişik egik yazi ögretiminde karşilaşilan problemler]
This survey study aims to identify the problems of classroom teachers while teaching adjecent italic handwriting and to develop strategies to cope with those problems. The sample of the study consisted of 266 classroom teachers who taught in Kirşehir in the 2009-2010 academic year. "Problems of the Teaching of Adjecent Italic Handwriting Survey" was used to collect data. The data were analyzed via SPSS by using percentages and frequencies. The results showed that teachers generally did not face with many problems while teaching adjecent italic handwriting. However, students made mistakes when they wrote "f, r, s, and k" with lower cases and "F, G, H, T, and D" with upper cases. Students were mostly confused the letters "b and d", "r and n", "m and n", and "u and v".