The usage of the assessment tools by geography teachers (Sample of Kırşehir) [Cografya ögretmenlerinin ölçme ve degerlendirme araçlari{dotless}ni{dotless} kullani{dotless}m düzeyleri (Kırşehir örnegi)]
In this study, the usage of the assessment tools which were suggested in the geography curriculum, by geography teachers was aimed to be described. With this aim, semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty five geography teachers who work in the secondary schools in Ki{dotless}rşehir. The results show that geography teachers seem to prefer mainly using the traditional assessment tools which they feel confident with. Teachers also stated that they prefer using traditional assessment tools to alternative assessment tools due to the problems such as; overcrowded classes, cost and lack of time. Furthermore, for teachers, ÖSS (Examination of Student Selection) seems to lead up teachers to prefer multiple choice tests to alternative assessment tools. When the other results are taken into consideration, there seems an urgent need for in-service teacher training in the preparation and use of the alternative assessment tools.