Gülten Akın’ın Poetikası Üzerine
Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk edebiyatı şairlerinden biri olan Gülten Akın, 1950'li yıllardan günümüze kadar, şiirin yanı sıra diğer edebi türlerde de ürün vermiştir. Kendisine ait bir şiir dünyası kuran Akın, bu derya içerisinde bilinçli ve birikimli bir şekilde yol alır. Hayatla iç içe bir bağ kuran şiirlerinde; genel şiir karakteristiğinden uzaklaşmayan şair, bu özelliğini şiir tarzına başarıyla yansıtır. Geleneksel şiir anlayışı hakkında yetkin bir bilgiye sahip olan Akın; şiirlerini bu anlayış perspektifinde ele alarak, ona yeni şeyler katarak, zenginleştirerek oluşturur. çeşitli söyleşi ve makaleler içine dağıtılmış/damıtılmış şiire dair görüşleri, "Poetika Dersleri"nde yer alan tasnifler çerçevesinde ele alındı. Bu metodolojiden hareketle Gülten Akın'ın şiir poetikasına ulaşılmaya çalışıldı Gülten Akın, one of the poets of Republic Period Turkish Literature, has produced literary work in other literary genres as well as poem until today from 1950s. Akın who has formed a poem world to herself proceeds consciously and knowledgeably in this wave. The poet doesn’t steer away from the general poem characteristic in his poems establishing a bond with the life and reflects this characteristic to the poem style accomplishedly. Akın having intimate knowledge about traditional poetry composes her poems by dealing with her poems in this perception of perspective, adding new things and enriching. The socialist side of poet plays a principal part in her poems. This principle firstly started with individual sensitiveness, then decided on socialist point of view. On one hand she studied social life by examining the world on Socialist and Realistic point of view; on the other hand she handled the problems of marginalised/passivated woman. It is possible to follow Gülten Akın’s ideas on poetry and its problems from her books, articles and interviews like ““Şiiri Düzde Kuşatmak”, “Şiir Üzerine Notlar” who has teoretical ideas on poetry. She collects her ideas on poetry into a book and aims to convey her knowledge especially to the young poets. As there was a need for a roadmap in order to determine and reveal Gülten Akın’s poetic, Orhan Okay’s book named “Poetika Dersleri” was grounded on. Gülten Akın’s specific and systematic writings, her ideas on poetry that were distributed into her several interviews and articles were handled within the scope of classification included in “Poetika Dersleri”. From the view of this methodology, it was aimed to reach Gülten Akın’s poetic