Eğitimcilerin Eğitim Araştırmalarına Yönelik Tutumları
Mevcut araştırmanın amacı Ahi Evran Üniversitesi'ndeki akademisyenlerin eğitim araştırmalarına karşı tutumlarının belirlenmesini sağlamaktır. Öztürk (2011) tarafından geliştirilen Eğitimcilerin "Eğitim Araştırmalarına Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği" Ahi Evran Üniversitesi'ndeki akademisyenlere uygulanmış ve cinsiyet, yaş, öğrenim durumu, ünvan, çalışıyor olduğu kurum, branş, mesleki kıdem yılı, yürütülen proje, 2010 yılından itibaren yayınlanan makale sayısı değişkenleriyle eğitim araştırmalarına yönelik tutumları belirlenmiştir. Araştırma verilerinin analizinde SPSS programı kullanılmış değişkenler kapsamında oluşturulan gruplar için t-testi ve anova sonuçları yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmanın cronbach alpha iç tutarlılık katsayısı 0.823 ile çalışmanın güvenilir olduğunu göstermiştir. Verilerin Skewness ve Kurtosis değerleriyle verilerin normal dağıldığı gözlenmiştir. Eğitim araştırmalarına ilişkin tutum ölçeğinden elde edilen ortalama puan 104.254 olarak hesaplanmış ortalamanın üstünde olan bu değerle akademisyenlerin olumlu tutuma sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgularda cinsiyet değişkeni için t-testi yapılmış ve gruplar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. Ayrıca yaş aralığı, öğrenim durumu, branş, kıdem yılı, projede bulunup bulunmama ve 2010 yılından itibaren yayınlanan makale sayısı değişkenlerine ilişkin yapılan Anova testi sonucu gruplar arasında bir farklılaşmaya rastlanmamıştır. Akademisyenlerin ünvan değişkeni anova sonuçlarında okutman-öğretim görevlisi ve öğretim görevlisi-Yrd. Doç. Dr. grupları arasında arasında anlamlı farklılıklar olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca çalışılan kurum değişkeninin sonuçlarında fakülte-meslek yüksekokulu grupları arasında da anlamlı farklılığa rastlanmıştır To improve the quality of scientific researchs in the field of education, many educational researches are carried out by scientists in different subjects and benefited researches in this area. Researches in the field of education is under many controlled variables such as participants, research environment and researchers' approach. This impacts attitudes towards researches in the field of education. Academicians at the beginning of those who carry the information obtained by educational research into the field of application. Therefore, the attitudes of academicians to educational research and their views on research are of great importance. In this context, the main purpose of the research is to determine the attitudes of the academicians to the educational researches. And the aim of the study was to analyze the attitudes of Ahi Evran University academicians on educational research. The study consists of academicians from Ahi Evran University located in Kırşehir province center in the academic year of 2015-2016. And attitude scale was applied to the academicians in the sample. The Attitude Scale for “Educators’ Attitudes Toward Educational Research Scale” was developed by Öztürk (2011). The scale had 29 Likert-type items intended to measure eight factors of the variable. For he current study the Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient was estimated 0.823 and this value indicating that the study was reliable enough. In line with the factors of the scale it is important for academicians to receive training in educational research, their beliefs that their colleagues are good educators, considerations of conducting educational research at their own university, views on the applicability of educational research results, thoughts on the understanding of educational research, enough time and resources to do educational research, reaching researchers' research results and efforts on implementation have been determined within the scope of the applied scale. The items were on a Likert scale, with five category ranging from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly disagree’ (coded as 5). 29 of the remaining 20 items were positively phrased and 9 were negatively phrased. It is also another purpose of research to put forward suggestions on increasing the level of utilization of educational researches. Independent groups t-test and variance analysis were analyzed using with SPSS 21. In this context, the attitudes of academicians towards educational researches were determined by gender, age, education status, title, institution, branch, occupational seniority year and number of articles published from 2010. The lowest score that can be obtained from attitude scale is 29, the highest score is 145. The high score obtained is considered positive attitudes and the low score is the indicator of negative attitudes.The lowest score attained by Ahi Evran University academicians attitude scale on educational research is 63; and the highest score is 133. The average score on the scale is 104.254 and this score is over than the average of the scale. This means academicians have a positive attitude toward on educational researches. It was analyzed whether the groups were normally variance in the study. Skewness and Kurtosis values were examined for normality test. Skewness values ranged from -393 to .209 and Kurtosis values ranged from 1.06 to -.416. Kurtosis and Skewness values are assumed to be normal variance when they are between -1.5 and +1.5 (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). That the attitude scores of female academicians were 105.316 and the average scores of male academicians were 103.467. The difference between male and female academicians' attitude scores is not statistically significant. (t = .913, p> .05). In addition, there was no difference between the results of the ANOVA test groups regarding the variables such as age range, education status, subjects, seniority year, presence in a project and number of articles published since 2010. According to the Levene test results for the assumption of homogeneity among the groups according to the titles of the academicians, it was found that the groups were not homogen and this difference was statistically significant (F (5-128) = 1.340, p> .05). Games-Howell test was conducted to determine which groups have this significant difference. Two groups of values were compared with the instructors - instructors and instructors - Assist. Assoc. Dr and values had significant differences. Analysis of the variance of the institution the academicians were working on revealed that the results differences were statistically significant (F = 5.692, p <.05). According to Levene test results, groups were found to be homogeneously distributed (p> .05). So, LSD test was analyzed. It was seen that there was a significant difference between the faculties and the vocational higher schools averages.