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Environmental deterioration, renewable energy, natural resource rents, and schooling in Türkiye: Does the degree of energy transition matter for environmental quality?
(Academic Press, 2024)Within the literature on energy and environmental economics, it is generally acknowledged that renewable energy can improve environmental quality; however, certain papers suggest that an optimal level of the usage of ... -
Re-examination of the Convergence in Military Expenditures across NATO Countries: Do Different Approximations in Modeling Structural Breaks Matter?
(Re-examination of the Convergence in Military Expenditures across NATO Countries: Do Different Approximations in Modeling Structural Breaks Matter?, 2021)The goal of this paper is to investigate whether the ratio of military expenditures to GDP converged across 27 NATO countries for the period 1993-2018 within the scope of stochastic convergence analysis. For this purpose, ... -
Economic complexity and environmental sustainability in eastern European economy: Evidence from novel Fourier approach
(KeAi Communications Co., 2023)Globally, economies have become complex and new technologies have transformed and facilitated the modernization of economies. In the previous literature, economic complexity approach has become one of the popular tools in ... -
Another Perspective of The Effects of Migration as A Determinant of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence-Based on Panel Gravity Model from Turkey and OECD Countries
(Sosyoekonomı Soc, 2021)This paper aims to investigate the impact of immigration on FDI between Turkey and OECD countries. The paper uses data spanning the period 2003-2019. There is employed PPML estimation method which presented efficient output ... -
The resilience of green firms in the twirl of COVID-19: Evidence from S&P500 Carbon Efficiency Index with a Fourier approach
(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2022)This paper investigates the resilience of environmentally friendly companies in an overwhelming economic and social environment that has been generated after the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. ... -
Anchoring of inflation expectations: The case of turkey
(Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian J)It may be observed from the existing monetary economics literature that none of the previous papers that examine the degree to which inflation expectations are anchored in Turkey takes structural breaks into account. ... -
Reinvestigating the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis by a composite model constructed on the Armey curve hypothesis with government spending for the US States
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)This study reinvestigates the EKC hypothesis for US states with a new methodology that differs from all previous empirical studies using traditional EKC models. To this aim, this methodology, for the first time, unifies ... -
The Relationship between Defense Expenditures and Employment in NATO Member States: Bootstrap Panel Causality Test
(İstanbul Üni., 2021)In recent years, global tensions, geopolitical risks, political crises, regional conflicts, and wars have played an important role in the increase of defense expenditures of countries. The economic effects of increased ... -
The Relatıonshıp Between Economıc Globalızatıon And Ecologıcal Footprınt: Empırıcal Evıdence For Developed And Developıng Countrıes
(Institute of Eastern European Research and Consulting, 2022)Purpose. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between economic globalization and the ecological footprint in countries with different levels of development using a Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) ... -
Measuring the impacts of monetary policy in Turkey: an extended structural vector autoregressive model with structural breaks
(Springer, 2023)The goal of this paper is to measure the impacts of monetary policy shocks in Turkey using monthly data spanning the period 2011:M01–2021:M12. To that end, the paper extends the structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) ... -
Towards achieving net zero emission targets and sustainable development goals, can long-term material footprint strategies be a useful tool?
(Sprınger Heıdelberg, 2022)This study analyzes material footprint (MF), which can be essential in achieving net zero emission targets and sustainable development goals for EURO-26 countries. Increasing the efficiency of MF rather than domestic ... -
Measuring the impacts of monetary policy in Turkey: an extended structural vector autoregressive model with structural breaks
(Springer, 2023)The goal of this paper is to measure the impacts of monetary policy shocks in Turkey using monthly data spanning the period 2011:M01–2021:M12. To that end, the paper extends the structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) ... -
Co-movements and causalities between ethanol production and corn prices in the USA: New evidence from wavelet transform analysis
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)The literature has been increasingly examining the existence of possible compatibility or conflict hypotheses between biofuels and food security in recent years. While current research outputs do not provide a consensus, ... -
Dynamics of globalization at the crossroads of economics
(Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019)The world is becoming interconnected via the increase in the volume of trade. This integration process is called globalization, and this led to a massive increase in the production of goods and services. The globalization ... -
Estimation of the co-movements between biofuel production and food prices: A wavelet-based analysis
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)Recently, the significance of biofuel production on food prices has become an important topic of discussion within the framework of sustainable development. Based on the relevant discussions, this work aims at observing ... -
Is ethanol production responsible for the increase in corn prices?
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)This paper aims to investigate the effects of the production of ethanol, a renewable biofuel, oil prices, population, and exchange rate on corn prices in the US (1985:m1-2020:m7) using a nonlinear smooth transition model. ... -
How Do the Exchange Rates Affect the Sector Indices? A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis for Borsa Istanbul
(İstanbul Uni., 2021)This paper aims to investigate the impact of the exchange rate on stock market indices of four main sectors in Turkey. For this purpose, the paper uses monthly data spanning the period between 06/2008-11/2020 and employs ... -
The shale gas production and economic growth in local economies across the US
(Springer, 2020)Recently, several seminal works have been drawing attention to the revolution of shale gas production technology of the USA, the impact of shale gas on energy sectors, as well as the influences of shale gas on macroeconomic ... -
The effect of freedom on international tourism demand: Empirical evidence from the top eight most visited countries
(Sage Publıcatıons Ltd., 2019)The present study investigates the impact of freedom (i.e. the effects of political rights and civil liberties) on tourist arrivals for the eight countries with the highest tourist arrivals in 2016 (France, the United ... -
The nexus between tourism, economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions: contemporary evidence from OECD countries
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)The relationship between tourism development, economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions has been examined in a variety of contexts; however, the extant studies report contradictory findings ...