Güncel Gönderiler: Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 21, listelenen: 1-20
On the Rule of Law: History, Politics, Theory
(Hale Sıvgın, 2020)Just over a decade ago, fol!owing the almost total col!apse ofcommunism, it seemed to many observers to be the dawn of a new age, an age in which Western ideas of freedom, democracy, individual rights, and capitalism final!y ... -
The Impasse of International Law on Climate-Induced Migration: Recent Developments and the United Nation's January 2020 Decision on Climate Refugees
(Seta Foundatıon, 2021)This paper aims to lay out the challenges and potentially fatal conflicts inherent in the emerging attempts to respect state sovereignty while crafting progressive and truly responsive sets of approaches to a sui generis ... -
The Metaverse Diplomacy: A Future Vision for Türkiye
(SETA Foundation, 2022)One of the critical questions for the future of the Metaverse is whether it will be global and singular –or multiple, company or country based. This question is yet to be answered, but unique metaverse universes, which ... -
Global Developments in Climate Policy and Migration Policy: Can the UN Be a Base to Create an Adequate Legal Framework?
(Seta Foundatıon, 2022)This commentary discusses how the latest resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), recognizing "The Human Right to a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment," paves the way for a juridico-political ... -
Reconsidering Power in International Relations
(Sprınger Sıngapore Pte Ltd, 2020)This article provides a conceptual and empirical review of power analysis in International Relations. The main objective of this article is to bridge the gap between conceptual and empirical research on power. First, it ... -
Customs, Beliefs and Practices about Birth and Children in Afghanistan Turkmen [Afganistan Türkmenlerinde Doğum ve Çocukla İlgili Örf, Âdet, İnanç ve Uygulamalar*]
(Cyprus International University, 2022)Culture, which is the body of material and spiritual values revealed by a people throughout history, is not only a heritage, but also a living memory. Language, religion and ideal unity lie on the basis of being a nation. ... -
Historical and Geographical Information about the Exploration of the Caspian Sea in Cartographic Materials
(International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, 2022)The article provides a brief overview of the historical and geographical data on the Caspian Sea and traces the change in the name of the sea at different stages of history. The study is based on the work of scientists ... -
Russian post-nationalism or pan-ethnicity? Case of compatriots in south Ossetia, Abkhazia and Crimea
(Bogazici Universitesi, 2018)A significant number of individuals are living in the Russian territory, as well as in the neighboring countries that have strong links with the Russian identity. Whether they are called Russky, Rossiyanin or neither, they ... -
The Relationship of Participatory Democracy and City Councils: A Comparative Analysis Through Kirsehir and Yozgat City Councils
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2015)Participatory democracy describes that individuals of their own accord, active and versatile to be incorporated into management decisions and practices. Today, administrative participation applications such as participatory ... -
New Solution Seeking for a Timeless Issue Burden Sharing: Smart Defense and NATO
(HALE SIVGIN, 2016)Smart defense is a concept which was formed to be a solution for an old issue within the Alliance - burden-sharing - in the framework of the negative impact of the global financial crisis. In this sense, Rasmussen named ... -
Re-narrating Europe in the face of populism: An analysis of the anti-immigration discourse of populist party leaders
(SETA Foundation, 2018)Populist discourse is gaining more and more ground in Europe. As evidenced by the growing success of radical right wing parties, a ubiquitous right wing populism is haunting Europe. This populist discourse is a counter to ... -
Beyond Afghanistan NATO's partnership with central asia and south caucasus: A tangled partnership?
(2014)This article examines how the Alliance's partnership policy has changed in Central Asia and South Caucasus since the 1990s and aims to clarify to what extent NATO's new partnership policy can affect its relations with these ... -
Reinvention of Turkish Foreign Policy in Latin America: The Cuba Case
(SETA FOUNDATION, 2016)The current research has the purpose of analyzing Turkey's approach toward Latin America and the Caribbean region through the prism of soft power theory, and through a specific case study, i.e. Turkey-Cuba relations. The ... -
Turkey's Dilemma between Human Rights and National Identity in the EU Process
(HALE SIVGIN, 2017)Fervent debates on human rights policies around the world have occupied the public opinion in Turkey especially in the post-Helsinki period. In the center of the debate lies the efforts to develop and expand human rights. ... -
TIKA's Soft Power: Nation Branding in Turkish Foreign Policy
(SETA FOUNDATION, 2019)Over the past fifteen years, nation branding has become a popular subject of study, and a formative enterprise in the creation of national character. The aim of nation branding is to create positive feelings in people's ... -
Turksoy, Turkic Council and Cultural Diplomacy: Transactionalism Revisited
(AHMET YESEVI UNIV, 2019)This paper's aim is to read the process that crowned with the practice of cultural diplomacy thanks to TURKSOY and Turkic Council in Central Asia (especially in between Turkic republics and in general Turkic World) through ... -
(NATL TECHNICAL UNIV UKRAINE KYIV POLYTECHNIC INST, FAC LINGUISTICS, 2019)The paper analyses new technologies in teaching ESP to future civil engineers in their professional training. The research was held at the National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine) and involved 86 second-year students ... -
The kirkuk-haifa pipeline
(2009)Israel, a state poor in hydrocarbon resources, is surrounded by Arab states with rich crude oil sources. Since Israel is unable to import crude oil from its neighbors in the region because of political reasons, it has to ... -
Laeken zirvesinden Lizbon Antlaşması'na:Anayasalaşamayan anayasallaşma süreci
(2010)Bu çalışmanın temel amacını, Avrupa Birliği için bir anayasa oluşturulmasına dair atılan adımların incelenmesi oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada izlenilen yöntem; önce Nice ardından da Laeken Zirvelerinde ortaya koyulan ...