Güncel Gönderiler: Yayın Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 298, listelenen: 101-120
Korovkin subsets in the sense of summation process
(Tsing Hua University, 2018)In this paper we introduce Korovkin subsets for a positive linear operator T in the sense of summation process. The characterization of Korovkin subsets of C 0 (X), closure of the set of all functions with compact support ... -
Some results for max-product operators via power series method
(Univerzita Komenskeho, 2018)In this paper, we obtain an approximation theorem by max-product operators with the use of power series method which is more effective than ordinary convergence and includes both Abel and Borel methods. We also estimate ... -
Absolute Matrix Summability Factors of Fourier Series with Quasi-f-Power Increasing Sequences
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)In this paper, we have generalized a main theorem dealing with quasi-f-power increasing sequence to |A,?n|k summability method by using Fourier series. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. -
Localization property on absolute matrix summability factors of Fourier series
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)In this paper, a known theorem dealing with |N¯,pn|k summability methods of Fourier series is generalized to |A,?n|k summability method by taking normal matrices. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. -
Correction to: Preservice Middle and High School Mathematics Teachers’ Strategies when Solving Proportion Problems (International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, (2018), 16, 2, (315-335), 10.1007/s10763-016-9775-1)
(Springer Netherlands, 2018)This correction stands to correct Acknowledgments in the original article. © 2018, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. -
A nil approach to symmetricity of rings
(Allahabad Mathematical Society, 2018)We introduce a weakly symmetric ring which is a generalization of a symmetric ring and a strengthening of both a GWS ring and a weakly reversible ring, and investigate properties of the class of this kind of rings. A ring ... -
Generalized limits and sequence of matrices
(Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2019)Banach has proved that there exist positive linear regular functionals on m such that they are invariant under shift operator where m is the space of all bounded real sequences. It has also been shown that there exists ... -
Korovkin type approximation theorems via power series method
(Springer International Publishing, 2019)In this paper we consider power series method which is also member of the class of all continuous summability methods. The power series method includes Abel method as well as Borel method. We investigate, using the power ... -
Almost unit-clean rings
(Editura Academiei Romane, 2019)A ring R is almost unit-clean provided that every element in R is equivalent to the sum of an idempotent and a regular element. We prove that every ring in which every zero-divisor is strongly ?-regular is almost unit-clean ... -
On the F-contraction properties of multivalued integral type transformations
(Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, 2019)The main purpose of this work is to extend the properties of multivalued transformations to the integral type transformations and to obtain the existence of fixed points under F-contraction. In addition, the results of ... -
A symbolic algorithm for exact power series solutions of nth order linear homogeneous differential equations with polynomial coefficients near an ordinary point
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2006)We developed an algorithm in Kiymaz and Mirasyedioglu [O. Kiymaz and 5. Mirasyedioglu, An algorithmic approach to exact power series solutions of second order linear homogeneous differential equations with polynomial ... -
A new factor theorem on absolute matrix summability methods
(Isik University, 2019)The aim of this paper is to obtain a new theorem dealing with absolute matrix summability factors. © 2019, Işik University, Department of Mathematics. -
Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding of and Abilities to Differentiate Proportional Relationships from Nonproportional Relationships
(Springer Netherlands, 2019)This study investigated preservice middle school mathematics teachers’ (PSTs) understanding of proportional and nonproportional relationships and their abilities to differentiate these relationships from each other. The ... -
Diagnosing Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of Statistics and Probability: Developing a Test for Cognitive Assessment
(Springer Netherlands, 2019)This study investigates preservice middle school mathematics teachers’ understanding of statistics and probability and provides a cognitive diagnostic assessment of their strengths and weaknesses on these subjects. A ... -
Solutions for a class of iterated singular equations
(SPRINGER INDIA, 2007)Some fundamental solutions of radial type for a class of iterated elliptic singular equations including the iterated Euler equation are given. -
Fuzzy Robust Regressıon Analysıs Based On The Rankıng Of Fuzzy Sets
(WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2008)Since fuzzy linear regression was introduced by Tanaka et al., fuzzy regression analysis has been widely studied and applied invarious areas. Diamond proposed the fuzzy least squares method to eliminate disadvantages in ... -
Boundedness Of The Maxımal, Potentıal And Sıngular Operators In The Generalızed Varıable Exponent Morrey Spaces
(MATEMATISK INST, 2010)We consider generalized Morrey spaces M(P(.),omega)(Omega) with variable exponent p(x) and a general function omega(x, r) defining the Money-type norm. In case of bounded sets Omega subset of R(n) we prove the boundedness ... -
Boundedness of the Maximal, Potential and Singular Operators in the Generalized Morrey Spaces
(SPRINGER, 2009)We consider generalized Morrey spaces Mp,w (R(n)) with a general function. w(x, r) defining the Morrey- type norm. We find the conditions on the pair (w(1), w(2)) which ensures the boundedness of the maximal operator and ... -
Neural networks approach for determining total claim amounts in insurance
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2009)In this study, we present an approach based on neural networks, as an alternative to the ordinary least squares method, to describe the relation between the dependent and independent variables. It has been suggested to ... -
Non-self-adjoint boundary-value problem with discontinuous density function
(JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, 2010)We determine spectrum and principal functions of the non-self-adjoint differential operator corresponding to 1-D non-self-adjoint Schrodinger equation with discontinuous density function, provide some sufficient conditions ...